
"festejando" in English

Señor Presidente, creo que todos hemos visto en la televisión en estos días las agresiones de la policía turca contra la población kurda de Diyarbakir que celebraba pacíficamente un festejo.
Mr President, we have all seen on television recently the attacks made by the Turkish police on the Kurdish population of Dyarbakir, which was calmly celebrating its feast.
Solo podemos aprobarla o rechazarla y, en consecuencia, festejar o lamentar esa elección.
We can only approve or reject it, and celebrate or mourn that choice accordingly.
Creo que en Cuba se pudo festejar la Navidad y no mucho más.
I think that Christmas was celebrated in Cuba, and that is about all.
Es una forma muy concreta -creo yo- de festejar, de celebrar, el quincuagésimo aniversario de la Declaración Universal de Derechos Humanos.
I believe this is a positive way of celebrating the fiftieth anniversary of the universal charter on human rights.
to woo[wooed · wooed] {vb} [oldfsh.]

Context examples for "festejando" in English(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
Como saben, los pueblos y los trabajadores no lo están ni festejando ni aplaudiendo.
They are aware, however, that the people and the workers are not celebrating, and that they are not even applauding.