
"to woo" in Spanish

cuentear {vb} [CAm.] [coll.]
Both countries we are wooing for trade.
Estamos cortejando a ambos países en el terreno comercial.
festejar[festejando · festejado] {v.t.} [oldfsh.] (cortejar)

Context examples for "to woo" in Spanish(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
her task is to woo back lost voters
su tarea consiste en volver a captar los votos perdidos
We will have to woo them here from the US, where the annual influx is 55%, compared with the meagre 5% influx into Europe today.
Tendremos que atraerla para que acuda aquí procedente de Estados Unidos, donde la tasa de afluencia anual se sitúa en un 55 %, frente al modesto 5 % que se registra actualmente en Europa.
Mr President, this debate has been something of a battle between the vehicle and the oil industries to woo the European Parliament to one or other side.
Señor Presidente, este debate ha sido una especie de batalla entre la industria del automóvil y las petroleras en un intento de ganarse al Parlamento Europeo para su propia causa.