"distraction" in Spanish
"distraction" in Spanish
distraction(also: absence of mind, entertainment, hobby, embezzlement)
disquiet or distraction, interior and exterior, may gather her faculties
distracción, interior y exterior, unifique sus facultades dirigiéndolas
I think this is a distraction in many ways although it should be dealt with.
Creo que por muchas razones es una distracción, aunque debe abordarse.
I have no doubt in my own mind that ESDP is a distraction from NATO and is part of the problem.
No tengo dudas de que la PESD es una distracción de la OTAN y es parte del problema.
distraction(also: inattention, carelessness)
distraction(also: absentmindedness)
distraction(also: heartbreak, uneasiness, desolation)
distraction(also: amusement, entertainment, diversion)
distraction(also: diversion, enjoyment, entertainment, fun)
They can be distracting or make it difficult to see icons on the desktop.
Pueden desconcentrar o dificultar la visualización de los iconos en el escritorio.
Please do not attempt to distract our attention.
Por favor, no intente distraer nuestra atención.
It is for this agenda, and so as not to distract public opinion, that the Convention has to be called.
Para esa agenda, y no para distraer a la opinión pública, es para lo que tiene que ser convocada la Convención.
Let them not distract you from your mission, your purpose.
No permitamos que le distraigan de su misión, de su propósito.
to distract(also: to amuse, to entertain, to regale, to chicane)
Synonyms (English) for "distraction":
Context examples for "distraction" in Spanish(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
In opposition to the culture of distraction, which risks losing sight of and
A la cultura del ocio, que corre el peligro de perder de vista y anular los
It should not be forgotten, however, that in the culture of distraction, in
No se olvide, sin embargo, que en la cultura del ocio, en la que se
Wavering (in distraction) between this and that, (belonging) neither to these nor yet to those!
vacilantes entre esto y lo otro, [sin pertenecer] ni a unos ni a otros.
the war was a distraction from the country's internal problems
la guerra distrajo la atención de los problemas internos del país
I am increasingly being driven to distraction with regard to the way in which we are time and time again pushed into codecisions.
Me exaspera mucho la forma en que cada vez nos hundimos paulatinamente en el proceso de codecisión.
The extreme diversity of the areas of activity addressed in the Lannoye report underlines this risk of distraction.
La extrema diversidad de los ámbitos de actividad que trata el informe Lannoye deja bien claro este riesgo de extravío.
This is something of a distraction.
Pero ese no es el punto central.
The Gender Institute must not be allowed to become a means of appeasement or of distraction from the lack of legislative action.
Un Instituto de Género no hará menos necesarias las políticas en materia de igualdad y queremos que la Comisión se atenga a esto.
to love sb to distraction
estar perdidamente enamorado de algn
I must tell you, Mr Reul, that there is one thing which has truly driven me to distraction, and I shall say this before we meet in Bratislava.
Debo decirle, señor Reul, que hay una cosa que me ha inquietado de verdad, y lo diré antes de que nos reunamos en Bratislava.
Apart from many other objections to EU involvement in military matters, it is a distraction from a clear focus on humanitarian aid.
Aparte de muchas otras objeciones a la implicación de la UE en asuntos militares, el informe no se enfoca claramente a la ayuda humanitaria.
to drive sb to distraction
sacar a algn de quicio
The reason for this was to ensure no distraction from the crucial talks in Bali - where I want the European Union to appear united.
La razón para ello ha sido asegurar que no se descuiden las cruciales negociaciones de Bali -donde deseo que la Unión Europea se muestre unida-.
to love sb to distraction
estar loco por algn
But the citizens themselves also wonder why they should be driven to distraction like that!
Se ha dicho que era necesario preocuparse por los ciudadanos, pero los ciudadanos se preguntan también por qué los confundimos tanto.
The application documents have driven everyone who sent for them to distraction.
Todos los que han tenido que solicitarlos han podido constatar el verdadero rompecabezas que constituyen los expedientes de solicitudes.
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