
"difference of opinion" in Spanish

"difference of opinion" in Spanish

Synonyms (English) for "difference of opinion":
Similar translations for "difference of opinion" in Spanish
Context examples for "difference of opinion" in Spanish(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
It is evident, however, that there is a difference of opinion on this issue.
Sin embargo, es evidente que existe una división de opiniones sobre esta cuestión.
However, there is a serious difference of opinion between the Council and Parliament.
Sin embargo, existe una seria diferencia de opinión entre el Consejo y el Parlamento.
Obviously there is not a strong difference of opinion between us here.
Es evidente que no parece haber fuertes discrepancias entre los aquí presentes.
A difference of opinion remains over the form this action should take.
Sigue existiendo una diferencia de opinión sobre el formato que debe adoptar esta acción.
From the debate this afternoon I notice that there is a difference of opinion on that subject.
Del debate de esta tarde deduzco que hay diferentes opiniones al respecto.
There was no great difference of opinion on budgetary expenditure.
No ha habido grandes diferencias de opinión en lo que respecta al gasto presupuestario.
Scandal or not, I can only assume that there is a fundamental difference of opinion.
Escándalo o no, sólo cabe comprobar que aquí estamos frente a una enorme diferencia de criterios.
We are now debating a report about which in my view there is very little difference of opinion.
Ahora, estamos tratando un informe que, en mi opinión, apenas suscita diferencias de opinión.
There has been no political difference of opinion in the Commission on that decision.
En el seno de la Comisión no se ha producido ninguna divergencia de opinión política sobre dicha decisión.
I take note of the fact that there remains some difference of opinion on the division of expenditure.
He tomado nota de que sobre las diferentes partidas de gastos quedan algunas discrepancias.
The difference of opinion was on the legal instrument that would best meet the objectives.
La diferencia de opinión radicó en cuál sería el mejor instrumento legislativo para cumplir los objetivos.
On one point, however, there remains a difference of opinion - that mentioned earlier by Mrs Gebhardt.
No obstante, hay un punto de discrepancia -que ya ha mencionado previamente la señora Gebhardt-.
The only difference of opinion is over how best to achieve this goal.
Lo único en que diferimos es cómo alcanzarlo mejor.
There is a clear difference of opinion between the European Commission and the European Court of Auditors.
Hay una clara diferencia de opinión entre la Comisión Europea y el Tribunal de Cuentas Europeo.
The four reports that are on the agenda today are a product of this major difference of opinion.
Los cuatro informes que hoy están en el orden del día son un producto de esta gran diversidad de opiniones.
I believe that we have a difference of opinion on this point.
Creo que tenemos opiniones diferentes en este punto.
There should be no difference of opinion on this.
Al respecto no puede existir ninguna diferencia de opinión.
The second point on which there was a difference of opinion was, of course, civil-military cooperation.
El segundo aspecto respecto al cual hubo discrepancia fue, evidentemente, el de la cooperación civil-militar.
As regards the path towards that aim, however, there is a difference of opinion between the Council and Parliament.
Sin embargo, el Consejo y el Parlamento discrepan acerca del camino que ha de conducir a dicho objetivo.
Finally, the other bilateral difference of opinion between Slovenia and Croatia should also be resolved promptly.
Finalmente, la otra diferencia de opinión bilateral entre Eslovenia y Croacia debería resolverse sin demora.