
"curita" in English

Band-Aid{noun} [TM] [Amer.]
bandage{noun} [TM] [Amer.]
plaster{noun} [TM] [Brit.]
sticking plaster{noun} [TM] [Brit.] (individual strip)
Estos avances ofrecen una cura potencial de enfermedades hasta ahora incurables.
Such advances offer a potential cure for hitherto incurable diseases.
Esta estrategia no es una cura para los problemas de las economías.
This 2020 Strategy is not a cure for the problems of the economies.
La cura propuesta por el ponente provoca desacuerdo en muchos puntos.
The rapporteur's proposed cure arouses disagreement on many points.
Cura en Evreux, se marchó a Isla Mauricio y se consagró a los marginados de la sociedad: los Negros.
Priest in Evreux, he went to the island of Mauritius to take care of those excluded from the society: the Blacks.
el cura que siempre la confiesa
the priest who always hears her confession
disfrazado de cura
disguised as a priest
curate{noun} [rel.]
El tema de los TAC y las cuotas es como el «huevo del cura»; no todo es malo.
As far as TACs and quotas are concerned, it is a bit like the curate's egg: it was good in parts.
El tema de los TAC y las cuotas es como el« huevo del cura»; no todo es malo.
As far as TACs and quotas are concerned, it is a bit like the curate's egg: it was good in parts.
Holy Joe{noun} [Brit.] [slg.] (chaplain, vicar)
Un medicamento existe porque cura, independientemente del hecho de que sea rentable o no.
A medicine exists because it provides treatment, irrespective of whether it is profitable or not.
Se habla de prevención, diagnóstico, tratamiento y cura.
You are talking about prevention, diagnosis, treatment and cure.
¿No creen que con ese tipo de tratamiento estos países corren el riesgo de morir no de la enfermedad sino de la cura?
Do you not think that with that kind of treatment these countries run the risk of dying not from the disease but from the cure?
bandage{noun} [Brit.]
gauze{noun} [Amer.]
Band-Aid{noun} [TM] [Amer.]
plaster{noun} [Brit.]