
"blemishes" in Spanish

This is quite a serious blemish on a candidate Member State.
Es una mancha muy grave para un Estado miembro candidato.
This was a small blemish on what was otherwise very sound work.
Esto ha sido una pequeña mancha en un buen trabajo.
He answered, "He said, it is a heifer, not broken in to plough the earth or irrigate the tilth, a sound one with no blemish on her.
[Moisés] respondió: “Dice que sea una vaca no uncida para arar la tierra ni para regar los cultivos, intacta y sin manchas de ningún otro color.
This is quite a serious blemish on a candidate Member State.
Es una mancha muy grave para un Estado miembro candidato.
This was a small blemish on what was otherwise very sound work.
Esto ha sido una pequeña mancha en un buen trabajo.
The closure of the Guantánamo detention facility, which has been a blemish on the image of the civilised world during the last decade, is a just decision of paramount importance.
El cierre del centro de detención de Guantánamo, que ha sido una mancha en la imagen del mundo civilizado durante la última década, es una decisión justa y de la máxima importancia.
blemish(also: flaw)
lunar{m} (mácula)
blemish(also: taint)
mancilla{f} [poet.]
sombra{f} (mancha)
Mr Reinfeldt, there is one serious blemish on your Presidency, and that is the decisions taken regarding SWIFT.
Señor Reinfeldt, hay una grave imperfección en su Presidencia, a saber, las decisiones adoptadas con respecto al sistema SWIFT.
The only thing is that it does have a few blemishes.
El único problema es que presenta algunas imperfecciones.
mácula{f} [poet.] (mancilla)

Synonyms (English) for "blemish":
Context examples for "blemishes" in Spanish(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
slight facial blemishes
pequeñas imperfecciones del rostro