
"slavishly" in Spanish

It is feared that Ecofin will follow its advice just as slavishly as the Community Committee.
Al igual que el comité comunitario, es de temer que el ECOFIN deba seguir servilmente sus consejos.
The Union has, of course, slavishly put itself at the beck and call of this system, in the hope of gathering a few crumbs from the table of the American master.
La Unión trabaja servilmente para este sistema, esperando recoger las migajas del festín del amo americano.
Furthermore, this measure slavishly seeks to satisfy US demands as regards the entry of EU citizens, although this does not apply reciprocally.
Además, esta medida intenta servilmente responder a las exigencias de los Estados Unidos en lo que respecta a la entrada de ciudadanos de la Unión Europea, sin que se aplique con reciprocidad.

Synonyms (English) for "slavish":
Context examples for "slavishly" in Spanish(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
For my part, I do not want to help discussion of matters concerning BSE to slavishly follow the spirit of the age.
Yo, por mi parte, no voy a contribuir en este tema de la EEB a ir en el debate por detrás del espíritu actual de los tiempos.
I have read in the New York Times that European diplomats are hastening to pre-empt the Council's position, which will slavishly follow that of the United States.
He leído en el New York Times que los diplomáticos europeos se disponen a adelantarse a la postura del Consejo, que va a reflejar dócilmente la de los Estados Unidos.