
"unquestioningly" in Spanish

We must avoid the average European citizen getting the impression that we are fabricating some sort of bureaucratic monster over which he has no control but which he has to obey unquestioningly.
Debemos evitar que el ciudadano medio europeo tenga la impresión de que estamos fabricando una especie de monstruo burocrático sobre el que no tiene ningún control y al que debe obedecer ciegamente.
. - We seriously regret that MEPs have unquestioningly approved this problematic trade agreement.
. - Lamentamos enormemente que los diputados al Parlamento Europeo hayan aprobado incondicionalmente este acuerdo comercial problemático.

Synonyms (English) for "unquestioning":
Context examples for "unquestioningly" in Spanish(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
her stride and, by her refusal to accept unquestioningly educational projects
presentarse como instancia crítica de proyectos educativos parciales,
The European Union must support the democratic and socio-economic developments, but not unquestioningly.
La Unión Europea debe respaldar la democracia y el desarrollo socioeconómico, pero no sin crítica.
It does not make sense, however, to accept a flawed regulation unquestioningly if there are some ways in which it could be improved.
No tiene sentido, no obstante, aceptar un reglamento deficiente si existen maneras que permitirían mejorarlo.
Instead, the EU's misdirected policies have yet again been confirmed unquestioningly by the majority in the European Parliament.
En su lugar, una mayoría del Parlamento Europeo ha vuelto a confirmar de manera incuestionable las políticas mal enfocadas de la UE.