
"sin culpa" in English

"sin culpa" in English
Recordemos que en el sistema de responsabilidad sin culpa, lo que cuenta es el acto de comercializar un producto; no se trata de hallar culpables sino responsables.
It should be recalled that, in the case of liability without fault, what counts is the act of placing a product on the market; it is not a question of determining who is guilty but who is liable.

Similar translations for "sin culpa" in English
sin faltasadjective
sin fondosadjective
sin vientoadjective
sin graciaadjective
sin parejaadjective
sin gasadjective
Context examples for "sin culpa" in English(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
(HU) En nuevos países se constituyen minorías nacionales sin que tengan ninguna culpa.
(HU) National minorities find themselves in new countries through no fault of their own.
La agricultura se ha visto envuelta en esta crisis sin culpa por su parte.
After all, it is not fault of agriculture that it is facing this crisis.
Como consecuencia, muchas se ven trágicamente obligadas a la quiebra sin tener ninguna culpa.
Consequently, many are tragically forced into receivership, through no fault of their own.
Sin embargo, por culpa de la creciente inversión de China, las cosas podrían cambiar rápidamente.
However, with growing investment from China things could change quickly.
Cada año medio millón de ciudadanos de la Unión Europea perecen sin razón por culpa del tabaco.
Each year half a million EU citizens die needlessly due to tobacco.
Esos Estados miembros van a encontrarse, sin tener la culpa, en infracción de la legislación europea.
They are going to be, through no fault of their own, in breach of European legislation.
Sin embargo, toda la culpa no es de los Estados miembros.
However, the fault does not lie exclusively with the Member States.
Esto trae como consecuencia que muchas, sin incurrir en culpa alguna, se vean trágicamente empujadas a la quiebra.
Many, through no fault of their own, are tragically forced into receivership as a result.
Su fracaso no ha sido, sin embargo, culpa del Tribunal.
But this failure is not the fault of the Tribunal.
Son víctimas sin culpa y resulta patético que la Comisión no pueda encontrar una vía para ayudarlas.
They are casualties through no fault of their own and it is pathetic that the Commission is unable to find a route to help them.
Los intérpretes, sin ser culpa suya, lo han traducido por «nitroglicerina», que es un peligroso explosivo.
This was translated by the interpreters - and this was not their fault - as nitroglycerine, which is a dangerous explosive.
Los intérpretes, sin ser culpa suya, lo han traducido por« nitroglicerina», que es un peligroso explosivo.
This was translated by the interpreters - and this was not their fault - as nitroglycerine, which is a dangerous explosive.
No obstante, necesitamos cambiar internamente y celebrar el debate sobre la ampliación sin echarle la culpa a esto.
We need, however, to change internally and to engage in the debate about enlargement without putting the blame on it.
Esta mujer sabía que al tocar la ropa de Jesús, este sería inmundo por su culpa, sin embargo pensaba, que nadie se daría cuenta.
That woman knew that by touching Jesus’ clothes, she would make him unclean, but she thought that no one would notice.
Sin embargo, la culpa de esta desilusión también puede atribuirse a esta Cámara y, en particular, a muchos Estados miembros.
However, the blame for this disillusionment can also be laid at the door of this House, and many Member States in particular.
sin tener culpa alguna
through no fault of her own
Sólo a través del diálogo se encontrarán soluciones satisfactorias para todos aquellos que, sin tener ninguna culpa de nada, se han visto involucrados.
Only through dialogue will solutions be found which are satisfactory to all those who, through no fault of their own, have become involved.
Señor Presidente, Señor Comisario, colegas, la ampliación de la responsabilidad sin culpa, como la propuesta por la Comisión, recibe todo nuestro apoyo.
Mr President, Commissioner, ladies and gentlemen, we are totally in favour of this extension of no-fault liability as proposed by the Commission.
Sin tener la culpa de ello, estos nuevos países están rezagados respecto a los países de la antigua Unión Europea desde el punto de vista del desarrollo económico.
Through no fault of their own, these new countries lag behind the countries of the old European Union in terms of economic development.
La agricultura representa tan solo un 5% del comercio mundial y, sin embargo, la culpa del fracaso de las negociaciones se atribuye claramente a la agricultura europea.
Agriculture makes up a mere 5% of world trade, yet the blame for the collapse of the talks is laid firmly at European farm gates.