
"guilt" in Spanish

"guilt" in Spanish
guilt(also: fault, blame)
MrPresident, there is a difference between guilt and responsibility.
– Señor Presidente, hay diferencia entre culpa y responsabilidad.
Mr President, there is a difference between guilt and responsibility.
– Señor Presidente, hay diferencia entre culpa y responsabilidad.
That would not diminish their guilt, but it would be an act of respect for human rights.
Esto no disminuye su culpa, sino que es un acto de derechos humanos.
culpabilidad{f} [law]
In a normal system of law, it is guilt, and not innocence, that needs to be proved.
En un sistema legal normal, es la culpabilidad y no la inocencia la que debe probarse.
Cain killed Abel and nobody disputed his guilt in this horrendous crime.
Caín mató a Abel y nadie discute su culpabilidad en ese crimen execrable.
So without any guilt whatsoever it is impossible to apply such sanctions.
Por lo tanto, sin atribución de culpabilidad tampoco se pueden imponer sanciones de ese tipo.

Synonyms (English) for "guilt":
Context examples for "guilt" in Spanish(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
Who is helping him and thus placing themselves and him under an even greater burden of guilt?
¿Quién le está ayudando y por tanto asumiendo una carga de culpa aún mayor?
The issue of guilt also needs to be examined, that is to say who bears responsibility for what.
También habrá que determinar responsabilidades, es decir, quién ha hecho qué.
I hope that our guilt will not now be added to the international community's guilt.
Quisiera que a la responsabilidad de la comunidad internacional no se añadiera ahora la nuestra.
MrPresident, there is a difference between guilt and responsibility.
– Señor Presidente, hay diferencia entre culpa y responsabilidad.
I hope that our guilt will not now be added to the international community' s guilt.
Quisiera que a la responsabilidad de la comunidad internacional no se añadiera ahora la nuestra.
And we cannot do that in order to assuage any guilt we may feel for our lack of action.
Y no podemos hacerlo, siquiera por tranquilizar nuestra conciencia por dicha falta de acción.
That would not diminish their guilt, but it would be an act of respect for human rights.
Esto no disminuye su culpa, sino que es un acto de derechos humanos.
Mr President, there is a difference between guilt and responsibility.
– Señor Presidente, hay diferencia entre culpa y responsabilidad.
The Commission and Council, at least in the case in BSE, have entangled themselves equally in guilt.
La Comisión y el Consejo tienen la misma culpa al menos en el caso de la EEB.
Well, you are not going to find anyone who places an order who will spontaneously admit their guilt.
Ahora bien, no vamos a encontrar a ningún ordenante que admita voluntariamente su culpa.
This approach involves forced guilt, moral inquisition and permanent psychological conditioning.
Es una inculpación forzosa, una inquisición moral y un permanente condicionamiento psíquico.
They said, "Verily, we are sent unto a people deeply in guilt;.
Respondieron: “Hemos sido enviados a un pueblo hundido en el pecado [que va a ser destruido],
The TotalFinaElf Corporation, which already bears guilt for the Erika shipwreck, is fully responsible.
La responsabilidad del trust Total-Fina-Elf, ya culpable del naufragio del Erika, es total.
In the case of the United Kingdom, is it worth us losing the presumption of innocence before guilt?
En el caso del Reino Unido, ¿merece la pena olvidar el principio de la presunción de inocencia?
And about Japan's admission of guilt for the misery it caused in those days, with a view to ASEM.
Y sobre el reconocimiento de culpa por parte de Japón del desastre causado entonces, con miras al ASEM.
There can therefore be no clear-cut apportionment of guilt.
Por lo tanto, no puede echarse la culpa de forma tan clara.
Multinationals are not without guilt. They invest in the country because of the cheap labour force.
Las multinacionales no están libres de culpa, ya que invierten en el país debido a su mano de obra barata.
the evidence, such as it is, seems to point to his guilt
las pocas pruebas que hay parecen indicar que es culpable
I also see the presumption of guilt of terrorism for any person going through a security check.
También percibo que cualquier persona que pasa por un control de seguridad es presuntamente culpable de terrorismo.
Is it reasonable to kill thousands of people and turn 200,000 people into refugees based on a mere suspicion of guilt?
¿Acaso se pueden causar miles de muertos y 200.000 refugiados por una mera sospecha de culpa?