
"representative of parliament" in Spanish

"representative of parliament" in Spanish

Similar translations for "representative of parliament" in Spanish
Context examples for "representative of parliament" in Spanish(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
Mr President, the representative of Parliament in Nice summed up the result as a catastrophe.
Señor Presidente, el representante del Parlamento en Niza resumió el resultado como una catástrofe.
I have voted against it, because this was not a clear statement and it was not representative of Parliament's purpose.
Por ello he votado en contra, pues no ha sido ninguna declaración clara y no ha hecho justicia a la tarea del Parlamento.
I do not know whether it is one representative of Parliament or of the Committee on International Trade as a whole, and I hope it is not.
No sé si es un representante del Parlamento o de toda la Comisión de Comercio Internacional, y espero que no lo sea.
Despite the treaty signed in Budapest, there is no political will in Hungary to allow the Slovenian minority to have its own representative in parliament.
A pesar del tratado firmado en Budapest no hay voluntad política en Hungría para que la minoría eslovena esté representada en el Parlamento.
You as representative of Parliament, along with those you select, you on behalf of Parliament along with the representatives of the media.
Entre usted como representante del Parlamento y los interlocutores de su elección, entre usted en nombre del Parlamento y los representantes de los medios de comunicación.
Trialogue negotiations merely on the basis of the opinion of the Committee on the Environment, Public Health and Food Safety are not representative of Parliament.
Las negociaciones de triálogo, basadas simplemente en la opinión de la Comisión de Medio Ambiente, Salud Pública y Seguridad Alimentaria, no son representantivas del Parlamento.
Progress is monitored through a monthly meeting between the broadcasting company and the Commission, at which a representative of Parliament's services is also present.
Una reunión mensual entre la emisora y la Comisión -en la que participa también un representante de los servicios del Parlamento- permite el seguimiento de esta operación.
It was the United Kingdom which taught me that in a representative democracy, Parliament can speak for the people, and I will not let UKIP destroy what I have learned from the UK.
El Reino Unido me ha enseñado que en una democracia representativa, el Parlamento puede hablar en nombre del pueblo, y no dejaré que el UKIP destruya lo que he aprendido del Reino Unido.