"representative" in Spanish
"representative" in Spanish
The High Representative will assure coordination in our external relations.
El Alto Representante asegurará la coordinación en nuestras relaciones externas.
Moreover, the European Parliament's representative, Mr Deprez, was not invited.
Ni siquiera invitaron al representante del Parlamento Europeo, señor Deprez.
One representative from Hong Kong, one representative from Switzerland and one representative from Australia.
Un representante de Hong Kong, un representante de Suiza, un representante de Australia.
representative(also: congressman, delegate, deputy, member)
I have been an elected representative for 25 years, but I have never experienced anything like this.
Hace 25 años que soy diputado, señor Presidente, pero nunca me había ocurrido nada semejante.
As a representative of the people, I think that the national governments are at fault here.
Pues bien, como diputado digo que los gobiernos de la Unión Europea incumplen sus compromisos en esta cuestión.
A Member called Féret, a representative of the Front National, called both Mrs Green and myself fascists.
Un diputado llamado Féret, un diputado del Frente Nacional, nos ha tachado de fascistas tanto a la Sra.
representative(also: agent, deputy, member of parliament, backbencher)
Now I am a Member of this House; I did not make this request solely as a citizen, but also as a representative of this Parliament.
Ahora soy diputada a esta Cámara; no he formulado esta petición únicamente como ciudadana, sino también como representante de este Parlamento.
What I wonder as a simple representative of the public is why the people of Britain are still not satisfied with the efforts Europe is making financially.
Sin embargo, en mi calidad de diputada, me pregunto por qué el Gobierno británico sigue sin conformarse con los esfuerzos económicos de Europa.
Ladies, have you so little pride that you would be prepared to hold a ministerial office or wear the sash of an elected representative by virtue of the mathematical odds of the quota?
Señoras,¿tendrían tan poco orgullo como para estar dispuestas a llevar una cartera ministerial o una faja de diputada por la contingencia matemática de una cuota?
representative(also: leader, standard-bearer, lineman, flagman)
representative(also: spokeperson)
representative(also: spokeperson)
The new government has to be truly representative if it is to survive.
El nuevo Gobierno debe ser verdaderamente representativo, si quiere sobrevivir.
A representative Parliament must decide on all expenditure.
Un Parlamento representativo debe decidir sobre todos los gastos.
Either this report, with a representative Parliament, or Nice, with a Parliament that is not fully representative.
O este informe, con un Parlamento representativo, o Niza, con un Parlamento no plenamente representativo.
Synonyms (English) for "representative":
Context examples for "representative" in Spanish(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
And we heard the representative of the Council telling us the same thing today.
El Sr. Portavoz del Consejo nos ha dicho lo mismo hoy, ya le hemos escuchado.
I agree, and I for one insist on being more representative of the citizens.
Estoy de acuerdo, y yo personalmente insisto en representar más a los ciudadanos.
Mrs Izquierdo Rojo complained earlier about the lack of a Council representative.
La colega Izquierdo se ha quejado antes de que el Consejo no esté presente.
A representative of the Commission is here and has heard your speech, Mrs Oomen-Ruijten.
Señora Oomen-Ruijten, la Comisión está presente y ha escuchado su intervención.
Like Mr Wibe I would also like to thank the Council representative for their answer.
Al igual que el Sr. Wibe, doy las gracias al Presidente del Consejo por su respuesta.
My fellow representative has done excellent work, and I propose that we approve the report.
Mi colega ha realizado una labor excelente y propongo que se apruebe el informe.
You are a poor representative of your country if you allow this sort of thing to go on'.
Si usted permite que ocurran cosas como esta, es que representa muy mal a su país».
The Green Paper looks at representative actions brought by consumer organisations.
El Libro Verde examina las acciones populares incoadas por organizaciones de consumidores.
This Loya Jirga was apparently the most representative the country has ever had.
Estuvo equilibrada étnicamente y hubo un número considerable de mujeres entre los delegados.
I also heard the answers given by the representative of the British Presidency.
También escuché las respuestas del Presidente británico en funciones.
It houses a large representative lecture hall, the dean’s office and central library.
Es hogar a un gran aula, la oficina del Rector, y la biblioteca central.
Formal sitting - UN High Representative for the Alliance of Civilisations
Sesión solemne - Representación de las Naciones Unidas para la Alianza de Civilizaciones
The speakers were ready and a Comission representative was also present.
Sí había oradores preparados, además de la Comisión, que estaba presente.
How representative of European opinion are Valéry Giscard D'Estaing, Dehaene and Amato?
¿En qué medida representan Valéry Giscard D'Estaing, Dehaene y Amato la opinión europea?
The Council is not present here as its representative preferred to attend an informal meeting.
El Consejo no está presente porque ha preferido asistir a una reunión informal.
Indeed, that is where representative democracy comes into its own.
Ya lo han dicho con mucha elocuencia los señores Poettering y Barón Crespo.
I have received your letter and have already contacted the British Permanent Representative.
He recibido su carta y ya he intervenido ante las instancias británicas.
Even Mr Fatuzzo, the pensioners ' representative, is well pleased.
Incluso el Sr. Fatuzzo, que representa a los jubilados, está especialmente satisfecho.
Nevertheless, it is true that we do not have a permanent representative on the spot.
Ex cierto que no existe una representación permanente in situ.
Second, Mr Méndez de Vigo recently tendered his resignation as Parliament's representative on the IGC.
Se me informó al respecto y considero que cumplí con mi obligación correctamente.
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