
"honrar" in English

"honrar" in English
honrar[honrando · honrado] {transitive verb}
to honour {v.t.}
Simplemente quería honrar al Parlamento y reconocer la labor del Presidente.
Simply, I was trying to honour Parliament by recognising the role of the President.
Distinguir y honrar a los buenos vecinos puede significar que nunca formarán parte de la familia.
To distinguish and honour these good neighbours may mean that they will never be part of the family.
Quiero pedirles que se levanten para honrar la memoria de todos ellos.
I would ask you to rise to honour the memory of these people.
Esa manera de proceder, insoportable para los contribuyentes de los países de Europa, está lejos de honrar a nuestro Parlamento.
This approach is intolerable for Europe's tax payers, and anything but a credit to Parliament.
Este desafío tecnológico honra a nuestros ingenieros.
The response to this technological challenge does credit to our engineers.
Honra a Francia el acompañar a sus socios y a sus aliados en esta provechosa vía.
It is to France's credit that it is supporting its partners and allies in this healthy development.
nos hemos reunido para honrar a los caídos por la patria
we are gathered to honor the glorious dead
Esto sirve, en cierto modo, para honrar su memoria.
This goes some way to honoring his memory.
Me honra adjuntarme a los Artistas para la Paz, promoviendo el mensaje y los programas de UNESCO,” Dijo Hadid.
I am honored to join the Artists for Peace, furthering UNESCO’s important message and programs,” said Hadid.

Context examples for "honrar" in English(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
Simplemente quería honrar al Parlamento y reconocer la labor del Presidente.
Simply, I was trying to honour Parliament by recognising the role of the President.
para honrar a los muertos y compadecer a los que este despliegue de crueldad
this outbreak of cruelty wounded in body and soul, while at the same time
De Gucht, que cada uno de nosotros debe honrar.
It was preceded by the report of Mr De Gucht, which each of us should hold in great respect.
Quiero, por tanto, honrar de nuevo la figura del Presidente Herzog que, creo, es su precursor.
Let me, once again, congratulate President Herzog in person, who, I believe, was behind this.
Lo que falta es algo para honrar la memoria de las víctimas del fascismo en el sur de Europa.
What is missing is something to honour the memory of the victims of fascism in southern Europe.
Le expresamos nuestro agradecimiento por honrar a nuestra Asamblea con su visita.
We thank you for honouring our House with your visit.
Quiero pedirles que se levanten para honrar la memoria de todos ellos.
I would ask you to rise to honour the memory of these people.
Tenía interés en honrar con ustedes la memoria de Gebran Tueni.
I wanted to pay tribute with you to the memory of Gebran Tueni.
Ante todo, estamos obligados a recordar, honrar y rezar por las víctimas asesinadas por los nazis.
Above all, we are duty bound to remember, honour and pray for the victims murdered by the Nazis.
Distinguir y honrar a los buenos vecinos puede significar que nunca formarán parte de la familia.
To distinguish and honour these good neighbours may mean that they will never be part of the family.
Sólo veo un modo de honrar debidamente esta responsabilidad.
I see only one way of fulfilling this task honourably.
La UE no puede desde luego dejar de honrar su compromiso con la causa de la democracia y los derechos humanos.
The EU certainly must not fail to honour its commitment to the cause of democracy and human rights.
En la actualidad no podemos quedarnos callados y nuestro deber es honrar la memoria de las víctimas del Holodomor.
Today we cannot keep quiet, and it is our duty to honour the memory of the victims of the Holodomor.
No hay mejor forma de honrar su memoria que garantizar a los ciudadanos europeos una Constitución europea.
We have today honoured the memory of Altiero Spinelli who, more than anyone else, fought for a Constitution.
Para honrar a las víctimas de la guerra, sin embargo, hemos decidido votar a favor de la resolución en su conjunto.
There are also many other things to add to a resolution dealing with the end of the Second World War.
Depositarán su confianza y su futuro en manos de dichos líderes y estos deberán honrar esa confianza.
They will place their trust and their future in the hands of those leaders and those leaders must respect that trust.
La semana que viene iré a la ceremonia de conmemoración de Srebrenica para honrar a las víctimas y a sus familias.
I shall go to the commemoration ceremony in Srebrenica next week to honour the victims and their families.
Esa manera de proceder, insoportable para los contribuyentes de los países de Europa, está lejos de honrar a nuestro Parlamento.
This approach is intolerable for Europe's tax payers, and anything but a credit to Parliament.
nos hemos reunido para honrar a los caídos por la patria
we are gathered to honor the glorious dead
Pronto sabremos si existe algún problema técnico o si no hay intención política de honrar el acuerdo.
We will see very soon whether there is a technical hitch or whether there is no political intention to honour the agreement.