
"punto fijo" in English

"punto fijo" in English
punto fijo{masculine}
está en punto fijo toda la noche
he is on guard duty all night

Context examples for "punto fijo" in English(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
Señor Presidente, parece que China se está convirtiendo en un punto fijo del orden del día en este debate de actualidad.
Mr President, China seems likely to feature permanently in our debates on topical and urgent matters.
está en punto fijo toda la noche
he is on guard duty all night
El informe de la señora Oomen-Ruijten tiene un mérito: no niega que el camino esté lleno de dificultades y es imparcial, al tomar los criterios de Copenhague como punto de referencia fijo.
The Oomen-Ruijten report has this merit: it does not deny that the path is strewn with difficulties and it is unprejudiced, taking the Copenhagen criteria as its fixed point of reference.