
"operating activities" in Spanish

"operating activities" in English
net cash provided by operating activities
efectivo proporcionado por actividades operativas

Context examples for "operating activities" in Spanish(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
net cash provided by operating activities
efectivo proporcionado por actividades operativas
There are, however, other kinds of situation in which airlines may stop operating or suspend their activities.
Existen, sin embargo, otro tipo de situaciones por las que las compañías aéreas pueden cerrar o cesar en sus actividades.
We need to create the kind of legal environment for producers that clearly sets out activities and operating frameworks relating to renewable energies.
Tenemos que crear una especie de entorno jurídico para los productores que establezca claramente las actividades de los marcos operativos relacionados con las energías renovables.