
"one-sidedness" in Spanish

"one-sidedness" in Spanish
With all due respect to your views, I must point out the one-sidedness of your positions concerning fiscal discipline.
Con todo el respeto hacia sus opiniones, debo señalar la parcialidad que revelan con respecto a la disciplina presupuestaria.
At the same time, however, it must throw off the one-sidedness which has led us to the present levels of unemployment, poverty and social exclusion.
Al mismo tiempo, sin embargo, debe rechazar la parcialidad que ha conducido a los actuales niveles de desempleo, pobreza y marginación social.
US foreign policy is very often deserving of criticism, but the one-sidedness with which this criticism is often levelled in this House is hardly constructive.
Aunque la política exterior de los Estados Unidos merece frecuentes críticas, la falta de objetividad con la que estas se suelen expresar en este Parlamento no resulta en absoluto constructiva.

Similar translations for "one-sidedness" in Spanish
Context examples for "one-sidedness" in Spanish(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
It is the frightful one-sidedness of the guidelines that Parliament wished to escape from.
La temible unilateralidad de las orientaciones es lo que el Parlamento desea evitar.
The dealings with Turkey were governed by ambiguity and deviousness, one-sidedness and exclusion.
En el trato dispensado a Turquía predominó el doble lenguaje y la duplicidad, la unilateralidad y la exclusión.
My group will vote for this resolution, but I myself shall vote against the one-sidedness, which to me is unacceptable.
Mi grupo parlamentario votará a favor de esta resolución, pero yo votaré en contra debido a esa simplicidad que no puedo soportar.
Today's votes on the motions for resolutions are based on a debate which takes some beating in terms of its political one-sidedness.
Las votaciones de hoy sobre la propuestas de resolución están basadas en un debate que va a ser difícil superar por su unilateralidad política.
The debate in this House reveals a type of one-sidedness which means that we are not taken seriously by either party to this deeply tragic and bloody conflict.
El debate de hoy demuestra una obstinación tal que hace que las partes de este sangriento y doloroso conflicto no nos tomen en serio.
US foreign policy is very often deserving of criticism, but the one-sidedness with which this criticism is often levelled in this House is hardly constructive.
Aunque la política exterior de los Estados Unidos merece frecuentes críticas, la falta de objetividad con la que estas se suelen expresar en este Parlamento no resulta en absoluto constructiva.
This impression is reinforced by the sentence that was imposed exclusively on Hungarian youths in Temerin and which has become infamous due to its excessive severity and one-sidedness.
Esta impresión se ha visto reforzada por la sentencia impuesta exclusivamente a jóvenes húngaros en Temerin y que es infame por su excesiva severidad y su unilateralidad.
This one-sidedness of policies is what really frightens us and what we have to escape if we are to have anything more than ritualistic reference to the reduction of unemployment.
Esa unilateralidad de las políticas es lo que realmente nos asusta y de lo que tenemos que huir, si queremos algo más que una referencia ritualista a la reducción del desempleo.
Perhaps this one-sidedness at the expense of solid fuels comes from a willingness and an intention to promote natural gas, which serves certain interests in the European Union.
Quizás la unilateralidad a costa de los combustibles sólidos provenga de la intención de fomentar el gas natural porque esto presta servicio a algunos intereses de la Unión Europea.