
"no anunciado" in English

"no anunciado" in English

Context examples for "no anunciado" in English(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
Por tanto, como he anunciado anteriormente, no votaremos a favor de este informe.
As I have already announced, we shall therefore not be voting in favour of this report.
Señor Presidente, la revolución cultural que ha anunciado usted no está a la vista.
The cultural revolution which you announced, Mr President, is not in sight.
Observo que 5 horas después del "no", el apocalipsis anunciado no ha ocurrido todavía.
I noticed that an announced apocalyptic event did not happen 5 hours after the "no".
El Reino Unido, Alemania e Italia ya han anunciado que no enviarán tropas.
Britain, Germany and Italy have already said that they will not be sending any troops.
El Comisario ha mencionado un nuevo Estado miembro que todavía no ha anunciado una fecha.
The Commissioner named a new Member State that has not yet announced a date.
En Georgia, el FMI ha anunciado que no seguirá prestándole "ayuda".
In Georgia, the IMF has announced that it will not be continuing its 'aid'.
no han anunciado nada, pero a mí me parece que algo están tramando
nothing's been announced, but I reckon there's something in the wind
Si pensara que mis posibilidades son muy limitadas no hubiera anunciado aquí mi intención de hacerlo.
If I expected my chances to be very limited I would not have announced my intention here.
El problema es que todavía no se han anunciado los recursos asignados en el Fondo para Grecia.
The problem is that the money for Greece, which was put into the Fund, has not yet been announced.
El Consejo ha anunciado que no formulará ninguna declaración.
The Council has announced that it will not be making a statement.
Esto no estaba anunciado, señor Comisario, pero de todas formas yo planteo aquí la pregunta.
It has not yet been mentioned here, Commissioner, but I would like to raise the question nevertheless.
Hasta el momento, usted no ha anunciado ninguna medida contra el dúmping.
You have not announced any dumping levies until now.
todavía no se ha anunciado la apertura del plazo de matrícula
the opening date for registration hasn't been announced as yet
El Ministro de Transportes británico, Lord McDonald, ha anunciado que no habrá una investigación pública.
The British transport minister, Lord McDonald, has announced there will be no be no public inquiry.
Lo inquietante es que India ha anunciado hoy no suscribir el citado tratado.
The bad news, meantime, is that India has announced today that it will not sign up to the Comprehensive Test Ban Treaty.
Sin embargo, todavía no se han anunciado los resultados.
However, no results have yet been announced.
Señor Presidente, me daba la impresión de que había anunciado que no se aceptarían más enmiendas orales durante la sesión.
Mr President, I thought you had announced that no oral amendments would be accepted during the sitting.
Señora Presidenta, quería intervenir en relación con un punto del orden del día del miércoles, que su Señoría no ha anunciado.
Madam President, I would like to talk about an item on the agenda for Wednesday, which you have not yet announced.
El gobierno belga ya ha anunciado que no va a aumentar el presupuesto de defensa durante su presidencia que, de hecho, acaba de empezar.
I should also like to add the demographic pressure of an uncontrollable and encroaching Islam to this list.
La Comisión se ha comprometido a elaborarla y también ha anunciado que no podrá completarla de la noche a la mañana.
The Commission has pledged itself to work on this list and has also said it is not something that can be done in a couple of days.