
"no admitir" in English

"no admitir" in English
to overrule{v.t.} (objection)

Context examples for "no admitir" in English(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
Aunque hay que admitir que no constituye la solución a todos nuestros problemas.
However, it must be admitted that it is not the solution to all our problems.
La Unión Europea no puede admitir a unos socios del acuerdo y rechazar a otros.
The European Union cannot allow one agreement partner that which it denies another.
Porque no podemos llegar a admitir que la unión monetaria fue un error.
Because we cannot bring ourselves to admit that monetary union was a mistake.
Pasemos ahora a las enmiendas que, por contra, la Comisión no puede admitir.
Let us now move on to the amendments which the Commission cannot accept.
No se puede admitir, por tanto, la praxis, en ocasiones asumida, por la cual
For the same reason, the practice, on some occasions, of entrusting the
No podemos admitir que se trate a los cristianos como ciudadanos de segunda clase.
We cannot agree to Christians being treated as second-class citizens.
Como he dicho antes, estamos dispuestos a admitir que no tenemos todas las respuestas.
As I said earlier, we readily admit that we do not have all the answers.
No se debe admitir excepción alguna de estos principios bajo ninguna circunstancia.
Under no circumstances can exceptions to these principles be allowed.
No obstante, debo admitir que me ha encantado la intervención de la Sra.
I must admit, though, that I did enjoy Mrs Bloch von Blottnitz's intervention!
Por esta razón no hemos podido admitir a trámite dichas enmiendas.
That is why we did not feel that we could deem these amendments to be acceptable.
Ya se ha mencionado en numerosas ocasiones que no se debe admitir que ocurra esto.
We must prevent the frequently quoted flight from co-determination.
Tengo que admitir que no soy un gran admirador de los hermanos Kaczyński de Polonia.
I must admit that I am not a big fan of Poland's Kaczyński brothers.
Por eso no me cuesta admitir la necesidad de avanzar en este terreno esencial.
I have therefore no difficulty in agreeing on the need to push forward in this crucial domain.
Debo admitir que no lo sé: quizás otros están mejor informados que yo.
I have to admit that I do not know: perhaps others are better informed.
Yo, como protestante, debo admitir que no salgo de mi asombro.
As a Protestant, I must say that I am very surprised about this, to say the least.
No se puede admitir que el ser humano tenga un poder tan amplio sobre otro ser humano.
We cannot allow man to have such great power over his fellow man.
Debo admitir que no comprendo la oposición de nuestros colegas del Partido Popular Europeo al respecto.
I have to say that I cannot understand why the PPE Members are opposed to this.
No se puede admitir que se castigue además a los que se les ha robado.
We cannot allow those who have been robbed then to be punished too. What kind of logic is that?
No se puede admitir que, por ejemplo, se construyan carreteras con materiales contaminados.
It is surely unacceptable that roads, for instance, should be built with contaminated materials.
Sin embargo, tenemos que admitir que no podemos vivir de los elogios y los triunfos del pasado.
We need to recognise, however, that we cannot survive on past commendations and achievements.