
"list of achievements" in Spanish

"list of achievements" in Spanish

Context examples for "list of achievements" in Spanish(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
On the other hand, I am indeed able to list the achievements of the last four years.
Y yo sí puedo enseñar lo que hemos hecho durante estos cuatro años.
he had accumulated a long list of achievements during his career
tenía una brillante ejecutoria en su carrera
The Belgian Presidency's very good cooperation with the European Parliament and very close contacts with the Commission resulted in what is clearly a very impressive list of achievements.
La excelente cooperación de la Presidencia belga con el Parlamento Europeo y la estrecha relación con la Comisión dio lugar a lo que evidentemente es una impresionante lista de logros.
And, of course, the list of achievements in 2000 also includes the adoption of the Charter of Fundamental Rights in Nice, although not, of course, in the manner which Parliament had hoped for.
En el haber del balance del año 2000 hay que incluir también, claro está, la adopción en Niza de la Carta de Derechos Fundamentales; no, por supuesto, del modo en que deseaba el Parlamento.