
"like as not" in Spanish

"like as not" in Spanish
like as not{adverb}
He might like to have a word with Mr Corbett before answering.
A lo mejor, antes de responder prefiere hablar con el señor Corbett.
like as not
a lo mejor
(ES) Mr Mitchell, with respect to the issue of lifts, which you have raised, I would like to reveal something which may be a secret part of the Bureau's debates.
(ES) Señor Mitchell, en cuanto a la cuestión de los ascensores que usted ha suscitado, quiero revelarle algo que a lo mejor es un secreto de los debates de la Mesa del Parlamento.

Similar translations for "like as not" in Spanish
no- ni
Context examples for "like as not" in Spanish(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
I should like to point out that the Commission is not in favour of guide levels.
Me gustaría señalar que la Comisión no está a favor de los niveles indicativos.
Mr President, I should like to ask the Commission to take the floor first.
. – (EN) Señor Presidente, quiero pedir a la Comisión que intervenga primero.
We would also like the same type of study to be carried out on a European scale.
Quisiéramos también que se realizara el mismo tipo de estudio a escala europea.
I would especially like to stress the position of the least developed countries.
Quiero llamar la atención, en particular, sobre los países menos desarrollados.
I would like to inquire of the President-in-Office of the Council why that is?
Me gustaría preguntarle al Presidente en ejercicio del Consejo cuál es la razón.
The PPE-DE Group would like to see itself reflected in the Commission's actions.
Al Grupo del PPE-DE le gustaría verse reflejado en las actuaciones de la Comisión.
Mr President, I would like to congratulate Mr Parish on bringing this forward.
Señor Presidente, me gustaría felicitar al Sr. Parish por sacar esto a colación.
MrFrattini, we have just heard your opinions and we would like to thank you.
SeñorFrattini, acabamos de oír sus opiniones y queremos darle las gracias.
I certainly think that a number of the arguments sound like just a lot of excuses.
Ciertamente creo que algunos de los argumentos suenan como un puñado de excusas.
I should like to focus particularly on two aspects of the Commission proposal.
Quisiera concentrarme especialmente en dos aspectos del proyecto de la Comisión.
Turning to some of the specific issues, I would like to highlight the following.
En cuanto a los problemas específicos, quisiera poner de relieve ciertos aspectos.
Mr President, I would simply like to propose a rational solution to the problem.
Señor Presidente, quisiera simplemente proponer una solución racional al problema.
Mr President, I should like to put a supplementary question to the Commissioner.
Señor Presidente, quisiera plantear una cuestión suplementaria al señor Comisario.
Madam President, I should like to congratulate my colleague, Mrs Roth-Behrendt.
– Señora Presidenta, quisiera felicitar a mi colega, la señora Roth-Behrendt.
Mr President, I would like to start by congratulating Mrs Theato on her report.
Señor Presidente, quisiera empezar felicitando a la Sra. Theato por su informe.
I should like to congratulate Mrs Béguin on her exceptionally positive report.
Quisiera felicitar a la señora Béguin por su informe excepcionalmente positivo.
(PT) I should once again like to thank you for being in the Chamber, Commissioner.
(PT) Una vez más debo darle las gracias por estar en la Cámara, señora Comisaria.
We are all paying, and we all would like to see the amount of pollution reduced.
Todos pagamos y todos queremos reducir la cantidad de contaminación que se produce.
Finally, I should like to give the 20 seconds left to me to the next speaker.
Por último, quisiera ceder los 20 segundos que me quedan a la siguiente oradora.
I would like to highlight the fact that we have to show solidarity in this matter.
Quisiera subrayar el hecho de que tenemos que mostrar solidaridad en este asunto.