
"domestic staff" in Spanish

Philippine and Singhalese female domestic staff are treated appallingly: their passports are basically confiscated by their employers.
El personal doméstico femenino filipino y cingalés recibe un trato terrible: las personas que las emplean prácticamente confiscan sus pasaportes.

Context examples for "domestic staff" in Spanish(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
I see no reason, for example, why the working conditions of domestic staff should be in any way untypical.
No veo, por ejemplo, por qué la relación laboral de los empleados domésticos haya de ser una relación atípica.
Philippine and Singhalese female domestic staff are treated appallingly: their passports are basically confiscated by their employers.
El personal doméstico femenino filipino y cingalés recibe un trato terrible: las personas que las emplean prácticamente confiscan sus pasaportes.
If that is not done, we risk a further increase in the trafficking of women, in the exploitation of female domestic staff, in the social isolation of women and in domestic violence.
Si esto no se hace, corremos el riesgo de que aumente el tráfico de mujeres, la explotación de las empleadas de hogar, el aislamiento social de las mujeres y la violencia doméstica.
The gangs who smuggle people into our countries would be delighted and would naturally ensure that all the women they intended to bring into EU countries illegally were declared as domestic staff.
Las bandas de traficantes se alegrarán de declararlas como empleadas domésticas y también, naturalmente, todas las mujeres que, de otro modo, quieren penetrar ilegalmente en los países de la UE,