
"derecho positivo" in English

"derecho positivo" in English

Context examples for "derecho positivo" in English(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
Queremos que Portugal sea un Estado regido por el derecho positivo.
We want Portugal to be a State governed by substantive law!
El uso de este derecho no aporta nada positivo, ya que solo sirve para obstaculizar y alargar el proceso de toma de decisiones.
Using the right of veto does not achieve anything worthwhile as it only hampers and prolongs the decision-making process.
Se basa en el derecho de petición, pero más allá de eso es un derecho positivo que permite a nuestros ciudadanos decidir qué hay que hacer.
It builds on the right to petition, but more than that it is a positive right that allows our citizens to begin to set the agenda.