
"cooling system" in Spanish


Synonyms (English) for "cooling system":
Context examples for "cooling system" in Spanish(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
Secondly, we were driven by traditional passive cooling system which was widely practiced in the region.
En segundo lugar, el sistema tradicional de refrigeración pasiva que se practica constantemente en la región.
it has been fitted with a new cooling system
le ha sido incorporado un nuevo sistema de ventilación
The first point I would like to make is that the repairs to the cooling system of this submarine are already under way.
Lo primero que me gustaría decir es que la reparación del sistema de refrigeración de este submarino ya está en marcha.
Power production is a major activity in the Loire basin with four nuclear power plants using the river water for the cooling system.
La production d'électricité est une activité industrielle majeure du bassin : quatre sites nucléaires utilisent l'eau de la Loire comme source froide.
cooling system
sistema de refrigeración
This concerned the loss of coolant that occurred in the primary cooling system of the Krško nuclear power plant in south-west Slovenia.
Dicho mensaje se refería a la pérdida de refrigerante producida en el sistema de refrigeración principal de la central nuclear de Krško, al suroeste de Eslovenia.
The facts are that a single crack in the cooling system was discovered with a leak of water, described in the Spanish press rather inappropriately as radioactive.
El hecho es que fue descubierta una única rotura en el sistema de refrigeración con una fuga de agua, descrita en la prensa española de modo bastante inapropiado como radiactiva.