
"bondadoso" in English

"bondadoso" in English
bondadoso{adjective masculine}
caring{adj.} (kindly)
es de natural bondadoso
he has a kind nature
kindhearted{adj.} (person)

Context examples for "bondadoso" in English(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
4, 14), en Él se llena de gozo y bendice al Padre por su bondadoso
4:14); Jesus rejoices in the Holy Spirit and blesses the Father for his
No las recibáis como limosna por parte nuestra, aunque sí limosna del “gran limosnero”, como llamaba el Padre san Francisco al Bondadoso Señor.
Do not receive this help as alms from us, but as alms from the “great beggar,” as our father Francis called the Gentle Lord.
es de natural bondadoso
he has a kind nature
Me gustaría aprovechar esta oportunidad hoy para compartir mis recuerdos de nuestro colega fallecido, un hombre espléndido, honesto y bondadoso, así como un activista social y un patriota.
I should like to take this opportunity today to share my memories of our dear colleague, who was a magnificent, honest and good-natured man, as well as a social activist and a patriot.
Tras la victoria sobre las tentaciones, Jesús da comienzo a su misión « por la fuerza del Espíritu » (Lc 4, 14), en Él se llena de gozo y bendice al Padre por su bondadoso designio (cf.
After his victory over the temptations, Jesus begins his mission "in the power of the Spirit" (Lk 4:14); Jesus rejoices in the Holy Spirit and blesses the Father for his providential plan (cf.