
"ataque al corazón" in English

"ataque al corazón" in English
le estaba amagando un ataque al corazón
he was showing the warning signs of a heart attack
Si bien es cierto que se ha debido a un ataque al corazón, todos sabemos lo mal que se trata a los presos políticos en Nigeria.
He may well have had a heart attack, but everyone knows how poorly political prisoners in Nigeria are treated.

Context examples for "ataque al corazón" in English(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
le estaba amagando un ataque al corazón
he was showing the warning signs of a heart attack
Si bien es cierto que se ha debido a un ataque al corazón, todos sabemos lo mal que se trata a los presos políticos en Nigeria.
He may well have had a heart attack, but everyone knows how poorly political prisoners in Nigeria are treated.
El ruido elevado condujo a las ballenas a la playa, donde murieron de un ataque al corazón y, finalmente, también, de hematomas internos.
Loud noise drove the whales onto the beach, where they died of heatstroke and finally, also, of internal haematomas.
Señor Presidente, Señorías, los atentados del 11 de septiembre contra el WTC y el Pentágono constituyen un ataque al corazón de nuestra democracia.
Mr President, ladies and gentlemen, the attack of 11 September on the WTC and the Pentagon strikes at the very heart of our democracy.