
"well-constructed" in Spanish

"well-constructed" in Spanish
Here, what is important is not to cast doubt upon the Lamassoure-Severin report; it is probably well constructed, albeit built upon a foundation of sand.
Lo importante no es poner en duda el informe Lamassoure-Severin; seguramente está bien construido, aunque sea sobre cimientos de arena.

Context examples for "well-constructed" in Spanish(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
Safe and well constructed roads are an important and basic prerequisite for preventing accidents.
Carreteras seguras y bien construidas son un presupuesto esencial para evitar accidentes.
The report is frank and well-constructed in its content.
El contenido de este informe es sincero y elaborado.
I would like to thank my colleagues for their cooperation in continuing the development of what is an extremely well-constructed policy.
Agradezco a los colegas la colaboración que muestran para continuar con una política muy coherente.
a very well constructed play
una obra muy bien estructurada
Here, what is important is not to cast doubt upon the Lamassoure-Severin report; it is probably well constructed, albeit built upon a foundation of sand.
Lo importante no es poner en duda el informe Lamassoure-Severin; seguramente está bien construido, aunque sea sobre cimientos de arena.
In other words, well-constructed, transitional arrangements should be put into place to provide an economic soft landing for the Irish economy.
En otras palabras, habría que establecer unas disposiciones transitorias, bien elaboradas, para proporcionar un aterrizaje económico suave a la economía irlandesa.
There remains a need for a well-constructed clinical study, that assesses the effectiveness of influenza vaccination on important clinical outcome measures.
Se necesitan estudios clínicos bien diseñados que evalúen la efectividad de la vacunación contra la gripe sobre medidas de resultado clínicamente importantes.
It is a pity that this very well constructed explanatory statement by Mr Di Pietro could not be conveyed in the telegrammatic five minutes he had here today.
Es una pena que este informe tan concienzudo y razonado del Sr. Di Pietro no haya encontrado la expresión que merecía en los telegráficos cinco minutos de que ha dispuesto hoy aquí.
Yet the mutual cooperation could still be improved: the New Transatlantic Agenda was well-constructed, but it has not become a genuine foundation and must be revitalised.
Pero la cooperación mutua todavía puede mejorar: la Nueva Agenda Transatlántica estaban bien concebida, pero no se ha convertido en un fundamento auténtico y debe revitalizarse.