
"vine-growing" in Spanish

"vine-growing" in Spanish
Subject: Vine growing - Directive 193/ 68/ EEC
Asunto: Viticultura: Directiva 193/ 68/ CEE
Subject: Vine growing - Directive 193/68/EEC
Asunto: Viticultura: Directiva 193/68/CEE
ENOMAQ International Show of Winery and Bottling Machinery and Equipment TECNOVID The International Vine-Growing Techniques and Equipment Show.
ENOMAQ Salón Internacional de la Maquinaria y Equipos para el Embotellado y TECNOVID Salón de Equipos para Viticultura.

Context examples for "vine-growing" in Spanish(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
We also call for more attention to be paid to ecological vine-growing methods, which still require significant various chemical products and additives.
También pedimos que se preste mayor atención a los métodos de cultivo ecológico de los viñedos, todavía hoy grandes consumidores de diversos productos y aditivos químicos.
And, of course, I have said nothing about the cultural, historical and symbolic aspects of vine growing, which can look back on two or three millennia of tradition in southern Europe.
Por supuesto, paso por alto los aspectos culturales, históricos y simbólicos de esta cultura con dos o tres milenios de antigüedad en Europa del Sur.