
"transportation service" in Spanish

"transportation service" in English
The real solution lies in the creation of a European public air transport service.
La verdadera solución radica en la creación de un servicio de transporte aéreo público europeo.
We must have the courage to fight for a public rail transport service which is of a high standard and safe, which will encourage people to use it.
Hemos de tener el valor de luchar por un servicio de transporte ferroviario público que tenga un nivel alto y sea seguro, que aliente a la gente a utilizarlo.
A passenger must submit a complaint within 2months from the date on which the transport service was undertaken or when the service should have been undertaken.
El pasajero tendrá que presentar la reclamación en el plazo de dos meses a partir de la fecha en que se prestó o hubiera debido prestarse el servicio de transporte.