
"to become rooted" in Spanish

"to become rooted" in Spanish
arraigar{v.i.} (costumbre, tradición)

Context examples for "to become rooted" in Spanish(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
We should remember, at this time, that democratization and good governance are, first and foremost, the product of a way of thinking that takes time to become firmly rooted.
Conviene no olvidar en este momento que la democratización y el sistema de gobierno positivo son ante todo producto de una cultura que sólo el tiempo podrá contribuir a fortalecer.
Schengen has now finally become firmly rooted in the European Union, which we have to admit is a positive development, even though Parliament was not adequately consulted.
Señor Presidente, por fin se ha conseguido la inclusión de Schengen en la Unión Europea. Es positivo, debemos decirlo, a pesar de que no se ha consultado suficientemente con el Parlamento.