
"to be terrified" in Spanish

"to be terrified" in Spanish

Context examples for "to be terrified" in Spanish(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
Christians are fleeing Iraq, terrified of bombings and massacres.
Los cristianos huyen de Iraq aterrorizados por las bombas y las masacres.
He says: " the military junta in Burma is terrified of the NLD.
Dice: " la junta militar de Birmania tiene pánico a la Liga Nacional para la Democracia.
Secondly, cities and municipalities are terrified that it will be incredibly expensive for them.
En segundo lugar, las ciudades y municipios tienen un miedo terrible de que les coste muchísimo.
The tragedy with European City Guides is that it works because people are threatened and terrified.
La tragedia de las European City Guides es que funcionan porque las personas están amenazadas y aterrorizadas.
Could you but see when they are terrified with no escape and are seized upon from near at hand.
y exclamen: "¡[Ahora] creemos en ello!
The terrified people are afraid to flee, despite the 48-hour cease-fire announced by the government.
La gente, aterrorizada, tiene miedo de huir, a pesar del alto el fuego de cuarenta y ocho horas anunciado por el gobierno.
they were terrified they might be too late
estaban aterrados pensando que no iban a llegar a tiempo
I have heard from school secretaries who signed this in error and are terrified and who have paid over money.
He escuchado a secretarios de colegios que firmaron esto por error, que están aterrados y que han tenido que pagar.
They call me in tears to describe having their cars dismantled and their children terrified by customs officers.
Me llaman llorando para decirme que los agentes de aduanas han desmontado sus coches y aterrorizado a sus hijos.
Obviously the Communist rulers of Vietnam are as terrified as ever of any free association and opinion.
Al parecer, los dirigentes comunistas vietnamitas siguen mostrando pánico ante cualquier tipo de agrupación u opinión libre.
she's terrified that someone will find out
la aterra la idea de que alguien se pueda enterar
How come this power was not terrified?
¿Cómo es que no aterrorizamos a esta potencia?
she's terrified that someone will find out
tiene terror de que alguien se entere
Let us face it; this Communist government is as terrified as ever at the thought of any groups or opinions taking shape independently.
A fin de cuentas, este gobierno comunista tiene pánico a que se formen grupos u opiniones fuera de su control.
the dog was terrified by the noise
el perro se aterrorizó al oír el ruido
One of my Dutch friends is terrified that his French ex-wife will abduct the children and he will never see them again.
Un amigo mío holandés está muerto de miedo de que su ex mujer francesa secuestre a los niños y que él no vuelva a verlos nunca más.
'This is the punishment for those who want to sell the country to Tony Blair and the whites,' they screamed at the terrified girl.
«Este es el castigo para aquellos que quieren vender el país a Tony Blair y los blancos», gritaron a la niña aterrorizada.
I think he is terrified of this and we should help the media so that they can spread the truth about Milosevic and his regime.
Creo que este miedo le persigue y deberíamos ayudar a los medios para que puedan difundir la verdad sobre Milosevic y su régimen.
the explosion terrified us
la explosión nos dio un susto de muerte
I'm terrified of hospitals
les tengo horror a los hospitales