
"system-built" in Spanish

"system-built" in Spanish

Context examples for "system-built" in Spanish(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
After all, any democratic system is built upon the trust and confidence of the people.
En definitiva, todo sistema democrático se basa en la confianza del pueblo.
The system we know was built away from the eyes of the people.
El sistema que conocemos ha sido construido manteniéndolo a resguardo de los pueblos.
The rebels knew that, in addition to force, the system was built first and foremost upon lies.
Los rebeldes sabían que, además de la fuerza, el sistema se basaba sobre todo en mentiras.
We have to establish a system built on mutual trust.
Tenemos que establecer un sistema basado en la confianza mutua.
And this is where the scandal lies, because the political system which is being built is not subject to any democratic caution.
Y eso es lo que resulta escandaloso, ya que el sistema político que se construye se hace sin garantía democrática.
The new system has an in-built review and re-evaluation process in order to take new scientific information into account.
El nuevo sistema está dotado de un proceso interno de análisis y reevaluación con el fin de tener en cuenta los nuevos datos científicos.
I am also delighted that they are not only in favour of the system being built, but are also taking the relevant practical steps to implement it.
Yo tengo el mandato político de mis electores de oponerme a esta concentración de poder en la UE, pero no en los ámbitos.
The main threat is us humans and the economic system we have built up, which is based on constant growth and consumption.
La principal amenaza procede de nosotros, los seres humanos, y el sistema económico que hemos construido, basado en un crecimiento y un consumo constantes.
I am also delighted that they are not only in favour of the system being built, but are also taking the relevant practical steps to implement it.
También me complace que no solo estén a favor de la construcción del sistema, sino que además adopten los principales pasos prácticos para su despliegue.
There is still much to be done in the run-up to accession - corruption has to be combated, just as administrative systems and an independent workable justice system have to be built up.
Todavía queda mucho por hacer en la marcha hacia la adhesión - debemos combatir la corrupción, y hay que crear unos sistemas administrativos y un sistema judicial viable e independiente.
Neither can I accept the fact that many of the ACP countries take an entirely uncritical view of the character and significance of the social and political system which has been built in Cuba.
Tampoco puedo aceptar el hecho de que muchos de los países de ACP adoptan una opinión totalmente ciega del carácter y la importancia del sistema social y político que se ha formado en Cuba.