
"well-attended" in Spanish

"well-attended" in Spanish
concurrida{adj. f}
(IT) Mr President, ladies and gentlemen, I am very pleased to speak this evening in a House which, I have to say, is well attended.
(IT) Señor Presidente, señoras y señores, me complace dirigirme esta tarde a una Cámara que, debo admitir, está muy concurrida.
concurrido{adj. m}
to say it wasn't well attended is an understatement
decir que no estuvo muy concurrido es quedarse corto
the concert was very well-attended
el concierto estuvo muy concurrido
to say it wasn't well attended is an understatement
decir que no estuvo muy concurrido es quedarse corto
the concert was very well-attended
el concierto estuvo muy concurrido

Context examples for "well-attended" in Spanish(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
Our historic monument days are always very well attended.
Se celebran jornadas de puertas abiertas en los monumentos y mucha gente acude.
(Speech interrupted by a Member - laughter) That match would certainly be well attended.
(Un diputado interrumpe el discurso, risas.) No cabe duda de que un partido así atraería a mucho público.
It was well attended by MEPs and large numbers of interest groups.
Contó con una nutrida asistencia de diputados al Parlamento Europeo y gran número de grupos de interés.
Elections in Iraq were well attended by the people.
Las elecciones iraquíes han sido marcadas por una escasa participación.
to say it wasn't well attended is an understatement
decir que no estuvo muy concurrido es quedarse corto
the concert was very well-attended
el concierto estuvo muy concurrido
his recital was very well attended
su recital congregó a mucha gente
During the celebration, which was well attended, the Minister received the renewal of the profession of the sisters present.
Durante la celebración, a la que asistió mucha gente, el Ministro recibió la renovación de la profesión de las Hermanas presentes.
the meeting was very well attended
asistió mucha gente a la reunión
(IT) Mr President, ladies and gentlemen, I am very pleased to speak this evening in a House which, I have to say, is well attended.
(IT) Señor Presidente, señoras y señores, me complace dirigirme esta tarde a una Cámara que, debo admitir, está muy concurrida.
the meeting was well-attended
asistió mucha gente a la reunión
It is only unfortunate that we are doing it on a Thursday afternoon when it is not quite as well attended as perhaps it should be.
Sólo quisiera señalar que es una lástima que celebremos el debate un jueves por la tarde, cuando quizá no se preste la atención que este tema merece.
They were three days of celebration and thanksgiving, bearing witness, and fraternal sharing, with very beautiful liturgical celebrations and well attended.
Han sido tres días de fiesta y de agradecimiento, de testimonios y de compartir fraterno, con celebraciones litúrgicas muy bellas y bien participadas.
We lived through many other liturgical moments that were very beautiful, well-prepared, and well attended, and the presence of the Provincial Ministers of France, Br.
Se vivieron otros muchos momentos litúrgicos muy bonitos, bien preparados y muy participados, con la presencia de los Ministros Provinciales de Francia: Fr.
I know that Mrs Gradin is looking into this very closely, as she made plain at the Stockholm conference which I also attended as well as here in Parliament.
Tengo noticia de que la Sra. Gradin se está ocupando intensamente de este tema, tal como ya manifestó en la Conferencia de Estocolmo, a la cual yo asistí, y también ante esta Cámara.