
"concurrida" in English

"concurrida" in English
concurrida{adjective feminine}
concurrido{adjective masculine}
concurrida{adjective feminine}
(IT) Señor Presidente, señoras y señores, me complace dirigirme esta tarde a una Cámara que, debo admitir, está muy concurrida.
(IT) Mr President, ladies and gentlemen, I am very pleased to speak this evening in a House which, I have to say, is well attended.
concurrido{adjective masculine}
decir que no estuvo muy concurrido es quedarse corto
to say it wasn't well attended is an understatement
el concierto estuvo muy concurrido
the concert was very well-attended
busy{adj.} (street, market)
Ese joven filipino fue secuestrado por hombres armados en un concurrido centro comercial de Manila el 28 de abril de 2007.
This young Filipino was abducted by armed men in a very busy shopping centre in Manila on 28 April 2007.
Poco después de la instalación, un empleado de Zerodegrees sustrajo una gran suma de dinero de la caja un concurrido viernes por la noche.
Soon after the installation, a Zerodegrees staff member stole a large sum of cash from the till on a busy Friday night.
Le doy las gracias por recordarnos oportuna y tempranamente lo concurrido que estará Estrasburgo durante el periodo parcial de sesiones de septiembre.
Thank you for that early and timely reminder of what a crowded space Strasbourg will be for the September part-session.
Esto es importante porque debemos recordar que el nombre de dominio ".EU" en realidad entra tardíamente en un mercado muy competitivo y concurrido.
That is important because, we must remember, the ".EU" domain name is actually a late entrant into a highly competitive and crowded market.
EU " en realidad entra tardíamente en un mercado muy competitivo y concurrido.
EU " domain name is actually a late entrant into a highly competitive and crowded market.

Context examples for "concurrida" in English(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
Señor Presidente, el viernes de la semana pasada una bomba estalló en una zona muy concurrida del centro de Londres.
Mr President, on Friday of last week a bomb exploded in a crowded part of central London.
El Presidente siempre se complace cuando la sesión plenaria está tan concurrida, en particular por razones como éstas.
The President is always pleased when the plenary is full and particularly for reasons such as these.
Señor Presidente, no es habitual que un político de mi calibre intervenga ante una audiencia tan concurrida y numerosa.
Mr President, it is not often that a politician of my calibre gets to speak to such a packed and huge audience.
El ramo forestal europeo triunfará incluso en marcos de competencia muy concurrida, siempre que las reglas sean iguales para todos.
The European forestry cluster will succeed amid fierce competition if the rules are the same for all.
(EN) Señor Presidente, no es habitual que un político de mi calibre intervenga ante una audiencia tan concurrida y numerosa.
Mr President, it is not often that a politician of my calibre gets to speak to such a packed and huge audience.
Señor Presidente, siempre resulta muy emocionante intervenir ante una Asamblea tan concurrida, especialmente a estas horas de la noche.
Mr President, it is always a great thrill to speak to such a full Chamber, in particular at this time of the evening.
(IT) Señor Presidente, señoras y señores, me complace dirigirme esta tarde a una Cámara que, debo admitir, está muy concurrida.
(IT) Mr President, ladies and gentlemen, I am very pleased to speak this evening in a House which, I have to say, is well attended.
una vía urbana muy concurrida
a very busy urban thoroughfare
Señor Presidente, me agrada mucho que esta Sala esté hoy tan concurrida, lo que indica la importancia que reviste esta cuestión.
Mr President, I am delighted to see the rather large turnout of Members today, which indicates the importance attached to this subject.
Asimismo, quisiera declarar a esta concurrida Asamblea que mi Grupo ve con buenos ojos que la ausencia de fronteras no nos lleve a la impunidad.
Allow me to start my contribution in this full Chamber by explaining that my group considers it to be a positive development that a lack of boundaries does not lead to impunity.