
"vehementemente" in English

Para ellos, basta con un poco de retórica, a la que no podemos sino oponernos vehementemente.
For them, a bit of rhetoric is enough, which we can only vehemently oppose.
Los Gobiernos conservadores alemán y británico se oponen vehementemente al Cuarto Programa de Lucha contra la Pobreza.
The German and British Conservative Governments are vehemently opposing the Fourth Poverty Programme.
Sigo siendo vehementemente partidario del tipo de disposición que tenemos y espero que la Asamblea opine lo mismo.
I remain vehemently in favour of the kind of arrangement we have and I hope that carries the view of the House.
vehemente{adjective masculine/feminine}
Entre tales ideas se incluía una vehemente propaganda anti-búlgara.
These ideas include a vehement propaganda of Bulgaro-phobia.
me considero un vehemente admirador de su obra
I regard myself as a vehement admirer of his work
Aunque todos abogamos vehemente a favor de la lucha contra el terrorismo, este no puede combatirse con la anarquía, sino de dos maneras.
Although we are all vehement advocates of the fight against terrorism, terrorism cannot be fought with anarchy, but rather in two ways.
cristianos, que el Concilio Ecuménico Vaticano II ha renovado con tan vehemente
by the Second Vatican Ecumenical Council with such impassioned commitment is
A mi entender, no puede haber nadie aquí hoy que no haya oído los argumentos vehementes de los adversarios y defensores de esta Directiva.
In my opinion, there can be noone here today who has not heard the impassioned arguments of both advocates and opponents of this directive.
devouring{adj.} [poet.] (enthusiasm)
excited{adj.} (nervous, worried)
full-blooded{adj.} (forceful)
intense{adj.} (earnest)
passionate{adj.} (speech)
Señor Presidente, este debate ha sido realmente interesante y vehemente.
Mr President, this debate has been really interesting and passionate.
Soy muy vehemente al respecto, precisamente así se consiguen los objetivos.
I am passionate about this, precisely so the targets are achieved.
fue vehemente en su defensa del partido
she was passionate in her defense of the party
spirited{adj.} (defense)
two-fisted{adj.} [Amer.] [coll.]
vibrant{adj.} (lively, exuberant)

Context examples for "vehementemente" in English(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
Exigiremos vehementemente que se den los pasos necesarios que aún faltan.
We will stress the need for the remaining necessary measures to be put in place.
Espero vehementemente que esta posición común del Consejo sea aprobada sin modificaciones.
I earnestly hope that the Council's common position will be approved as it stands.
Señor Presidente, usted se pronuncia vehementemente a favor de la PYMES.
Mr President, you are right to emphatically put the case for them as well.
Señor Presidente, quisiera apoyar vehementemente lo que ha dicho la Sra.
Mr President, I vigorously endorse what Ms Oomen-Ruijten has said.
Señor Presidente, quisiera apoyar vehementemente lo que ha dicho la Sra.
Mr President, I vigorously endorse what Ms Oomen-Ruijten has said.
No me queda sino recomendar vehementemente la aprobación del resultado de la conciliación.
I warmly approve the acceptance of the outcome of this conciliation.
Nos oponemos vehementemente a este informe por una cuestión de principios.
We are strongly opposed to this report on grounds of principle.
Y naturalmente hay que censurar vehementemente que Euratom haya quedado fuera de toda consideración.
And, of course, you have to criticize the fact that Euratom has been totally overlooked too.
Maat, lucha vehementemente a favor del suministro de leche a las escuelas.
Mr President, Mr Maat has committed himself most impressively to the issue of school milk.
Espero vehementemente que la Comisión se tome en serio esta propuesta de la Comisión de Asuntos Sociales y Empleo.
I do hope the Commission will take the committee's proposal seriously.
Desde entonces, siempre me he opuesto vehementemente.
Since then I have been resolutely opposed to it.
Espero vehementemente que el Primer Ministro de Eslovaquia exponga con claridad cuáles son sus planes a este respecto.
I expect very much that the Prime Minister of Slovakia will make clear what his plans are in this respect.
Se instalaron jaulas para los detenidos que Amnistía Internacional criticó vehementemente y calificó de inaceptables.
Prison cages were set up, which Amnesty International has criticised in no uncertain terms and described as wrong.
Quisiera subrayar -y protestar vehementemente contra ella-la posición de la Presidencia alemana.
I would highlight and strongly protest at the position of the German Presidency which is heavily involved in the military action in Kosovo.
Protesto vehementemente contra esto.
I wish to protest very strongly against this.
Representa una seria violación de los derechos humanos que en la UE defendemos vehementemente y que luchamos cada día por mantener.
It is a serious violation of the human rights which we in the EU defend fiercely and fight every day to uphold.
Espero vehementemente que el Parlamento reconozca su responsabilidad a este respecto y apruebe el informe del Sr.
I do hope that Parliament will show a sense of responsibility and approve Mr Cabrol's report without amendments.
Señor Presidente, estimadas y estimados colegas, apoyo vehementemente la iniciativa de la Comunidad en la lucha contra las minas antipersonas.
Mr President, ladies and gentlemen, I strongly support the Community's initiative against anti-personnel mines.
se opusieron vehementemente
they were very noisy in their opposition
Apoyo vehementemente este Acuerdo. Es justo y honorable y merece recibir el apoyo sincero de ambas partes de Irlanda.
I passionately support this Agreement, it is a fair and honourable one and should be wholeheartedly endorsed through both parts of Ireland.