
"timorato" in English

"timorato" in English
timorato{adjective masculine}
mouse{noun} (timid person)
wet{noun} [Brit.] [coll.] (ineffectual person)
wimp{noun} [coll.]
timorato{adjective masculine}
Hemos sido timoratos en reconocer nuestras raíces cristianas, hemos sido tímidos en reconocer lo obvio.
We have been timid in terms of acknowledging our Christian roots, we have been timid in recognising the obvious.
En este ámbito, la Comisión ha sido extremadamente tímida, por no decir timorata.
The Commission was extremely timid, not to say cowardly, about it.
Y hay aquí dos concepciones contrapuestas: una concepción -la del Consejo- tímida, timorata, lenta; y otra concepción que es la que la Comisión quiere aplicar.
And here there are two conflicting ideas: one - from the Council - which is timid, narrow-minded and slow; and the other which is the one the Commission wants to opt for.
chinless{adj.} [Brit.] [coll.]
faint-hearted{adj.} (lover, leader)
timorous{adj.} [poet.]
El silencio timorato de los Estados miembros de la Unión Europea constituye un crimen contra los millones de personas que perdieron la vida durante la Segunda Guerra Mundial.
This timorous silence in European Union Member States is a crime against the millions of people who perished during the Second World War.
Se ha dicho muchas veces que el Proceso de Barcelona había sido un fracaso parcial, y es cierto que fuimos timoratos.
It has often been said that the Barcelona process was a partial failure, and it is true that we were timorous.
wet{adj.} [Brit.] [coll.] (ineffectual, foolish)

Context examples for "timorato" in English(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
Porque los ciudadanos habrían condenado este gesto timorato que habría permitido que la cruel matanza continuara.
Because citizens would have condemned this half-hearted gesture which would have allowed the cruel slaughter to continue.
es un timorato
he has no guts
Por lo tanto, mi pregunta, señor Presidente es: ¿Hasta cuándo la Unión Europea va a seguir actuando de un modo tan timorato en las negociaciones con Turquía?
My question therefore, Mr President, is how long will the European Union continue to behave like a sort of shrinking violet in the negotiations with Turkey?
Los recientes acontecimientos de Bélgica, así como los de Francia, han relanzado con fuerza un debate con demasiada frecuencia timorato, en el seno de la Unión Europea.
Recent events in Belgium, and in France too, have given new force to a debate that has too often been conducted very timidly in the European Union - the debate on paedophilia.