
"the coastal area" in Spanish

"the coastal area" in Spanish
By so doing, they put resources at risk by devastating young shrimp stocks, which are found precisely in this coastal area.
Al hacerlo, ponen en peligro los recursos devastando las reservas de gambas juveniles, que se encuentran precisamente en esa franja litoral.
Did you know that the only Mediterranean coastal area in the whole of the European Union which does not have a motorway is between the provinces of Malaga and Almeria?
¿Saben que la única zona del litoral de toda la Unión Europea del Mediterráneo que no cuenta con una autovía está entre las provincias de Almería y Málaga?

Similar translations for "the coastal area" in Spanish
el- los- la- las
to thepreposition
Context examples for "the coastal area" in Spanish(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
That is what I am constantly asked as a Member for a coastal area.
En mi calidad de diputado de una región costera, continuamente me repiten esta pregunta.
Ireland has the biggest coastal area in the European Community.
Irlanda dispone de la mayor zona costera de la Comunidad Europea.
Maritime transport is of vital importance to Portugal, given our significant coastal area.
El transporte marítimo es de una importancia vital para Portugal, dada nuestra considerable zona costera.
In the regions and the coastal area of our country, an island state, we have no alternative source of employment.
En las regiones y costas de nuestro país, que ocupa una isla, no contamos con más alternativas para la creación de empleo.
This will ensure an integrated approach to environmental protection, coastal area development, maritime research, and tourism.
Esto garantizará una estrategia integrada para la protección medioambiental, el desarrollo de la zona costera, la investigación marítima y el turismo.
I am pleased to see that this combination of measures also takes account of the Baltic coastal area - an undoubtedly positive approach.
Me complace comprobar que esta combinación de medidas tiene en cuenta también a la región costera del Báltico - sin duda un enfoque positivo.
Indeed, local and regional authorities, coastal area communities etc. can and must play an important role within this strategy.
En efecto, las autoridades locales y regionales, las comunidades de las áreas costeras, etc., pueden y deben desempeñar un importante papel en esta estrategia.