
"to send down" in Spanish

"to send down" in Spanish

Context examples for "to send down" in Spanish(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
Is your Lord able to send down to us a table spread with food from heaven?
¿Puede tu Sustentador hacer des­cender para nosotros un ágape del cielo?
Is it you that send it down from the clouds, or are We the senders?
¿Sois vosotros quienes la hacéis caer de las nubes –o somos Nosotros la causa de su caída?
And do We not send down from the clouds water in abundance,
Y de las nubes que el viento arrastra hacemos caer agua en abundancia,
That we may send down upon them stone of clay (or brimstones),
para descargar sobre ellos golpes contundentes de castigo,
Verily, we are about to send down upon the people of this city a horror from heaven, for that they are evil-livers.
Y [así fue: y] de ella hemos dejado, en verdad, un signo claro para gente que hace uso de la razón.
Please do not send us down that road again.
Por favor, no nos manden de nuevo por ese camino.
And He it is who sent the winds as glad tidings heralding His mercy; and We send down purifying water from the sky.
para vivificar con ella la tierra muerta, y dar de beber a muchos [seres] de Nuestra creación, animales y hombres.
They say, "Why has not a sign been sent down from his Lord" Say, "Verily, Allah has power to send down a sign, but most of them do not understand.
Y dicen: “¿Por qué no se ha hecho descender para él un signo claro de su Sustentador?
And We send down from the heaven water by measure, and We make it rest in the earth; but, verily, We are able to withdraw it.
Y por medio de ella creamos para vosotros palmerales y viñedos, en los que tenéis fruta en abundancia, de la que coméis,
And We send down from the cloud water abounding in good (or blessings), then We cause to grow therewith gardens and the grain that is reaped,
Y hacemos caer del cielo agua rica en bendiciones, y que por medio de ella crezcan jardines y el grano que cosechan,
If We will, We can send down upon them from heaven a sign which would bend their necks in humility.
[Pero no lo hemos querido:] y así, cada vez que les llega un nuevo recordatorio del Más Misericordioso, [quienes son ciegos de corazón] le dan siempre la espalda:
Nor is there aught but the treasuries (storehouses) of it are with Us, and We do not send it down save in a noted quantity (ascertainable measure).
Pues, nada existe que no tenga en Nosotros su origen; y no hacemos descender nada sino es con arreglo a una medida precisa.
And We send forth the impregnating (fertilizing, invigorating, fecundating) winds, and We send down water from the sky, and We give it to you to drink.
Y enviamos los vientos para fertilizar [las plantas], y hacemos caer agua del cielo y de ella os damos de beber: y no sois vosotros quienes disponéis de su fuente --
Or have you taken security from Him Who is in heaven that He will not send down upon you a hurricane so that you shall know how terrible was My warning?
¿O podéis sentiros jamás seguros de que Aquel que está en el cielo no envíe contra vosotros una tormenta devastadora, y entonces sabríais qué [real] era Mi advertencia?
Or there be made for you a house of gold; or you climb up into the heaven; and even then We will not believe in your climbing there, until you send down on us a book that we may read!
o seas dueño de una casa [hecha] de oro, o asciendas al cielo --y no creeríamos en tu ascensión a menos que nos trajeras [del cielo] una escritura que pudiéramos leer!