
"self-governing" in Spanish

"self-governing" in Spanish
This led to the emergence of the Independent and Self-Governing Trade Union Solidarity.
De este modo nació el Sindicato Independiente y Autónomo «Solidaridad».
This led to the emergence of the Independent and Self-Governing Trade Union Solidarity.
De este modo nació el Sindicato Independiente y Autónomo« Solidaridad».
They both want to see Iraq develop into a stable, democratic and self-governing country.
Ambos esperan y desean que Iraq se convierta en un país estable, democrático y autónomo.
self governing{adjective}
autónomo{adj. m}
This led to the emergence of the Independent and Self-Governing Trade Union Solidarity.
De este modo nació el Sindicato Independiente y Autónomo «Solidaridad».
This led to the emergence of the Independent and Self-Governing Trade Union Solidarity.
De este modo nació el Sindicato Independiente y Autónomo« Solidaridad».
They both want to see Iraq develop into a stable, democratic and self-governing country.
Ambos esperan y desean que Iraq se convierta en un país estable, democrático y autónomo.
autónoma{adj. f}
Under all circumstances such a treaty must deliver a self-governing Tamil region in the north-east of the country.
En cualquier circunstancia, ese tratado debe establecer una región autónoma tamil en el noreste del país.

Synonyms (English) for "self-governing":
Context examples for "self-governing" in Spanish(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
People fought and died so that we could be an independent self-governing democratic nation that was able to hire and fire its leaders.
La gente luchó y murió para que pudiéramos ser una nación independiente de autogobierno democrático que fuera capaz de contratar y despedir a sus líderes.
In addition, the state-owned enterprise’s director and self-governing bodies were refused the right to appeal to an independent court to have the Ministry’s decisions verified.
Además, se denegó al director de la empresa estatal y a los órganos de autogestión el derecho a apelar a un tribunal independiente para que revisara las decisiones del Ministerio.
In addition, the state-owned enterprise’ s director and self-governing bodies were refused the right to appeal to an independent court to have the Ministry’ s decisions verified.
Además, se denegó al director de la empresa estatal y a los órganos de autogestión el derecho a apelar a un tribunal independiente para que revisara las decisiones del Ministerio.
I call on the European Union, and on this House, to show unequivocal support for an independent, self-governing Georgia, which has every right to feel safe in a united Europe.
Pido a la Unión Europea, y a esta Cámara, que muestren su apoyo inequívoco a una Georgia independiente y autogobernada, que tenga todo el derecho a sentirse segura en una Europa unida.
I found it particularly encouraging, during my visit, that the LTTE or the Tamil Tigers, as they are more popularly known published their proposals for an interim self-governing administration.
Durante mi visita me pareció particularmente alentador que los LTTE –o los Tigres Tamiles, como se les conoce popularmente– hayan dado a conocer sus propuestas de autogobierno provisional.
I found it particularly encouraging, during my visit, that the LTTE or the Tamil Tigers, as they are more popularly known published their proposals for an interim self-governing administration.
Durante mi visita me pareció particularmente alentador que los LTTE – o los Tigres Tamiles, como se les conoce popularmente– hayan dado a conocer sus propuestas de autogobierno provisional.