
"razonado" in English

"razonado" in English
Por este motivo, recomiendo que se adopte un planteamiento inequívoco y razonado respecto a este tema.
For this reason I recommend a clear and reasoned approach to this issue.
Confiemos en el pronto suministro de datos por parte de la OLAF para emitir un juicio razonado.
We trust that OLAF will soon provide the information we need in order to issue a reasoned judgment.
Señora Presidenta, me complace tener la oportunidad de responder al equilibrado y bien razonado informe del Sr.
Madam President, I am pleased to have the opportunity to respond to Mr Bernard-Reymond's balanced and well-reasoned report.
Señora Presidenta, me complace tener la oportunidad de responder al equilibrado y bien razonado informe del Sr.
Madam President, I am pleased to have the opportunity to respond to Mr Bernard-Reymond's balanced and well-reasoned report.
Porto, al que felicito por la elaboración de un informe equilibrado y bien razonado.
I very much agree with the remarks of Mr Porto the rapporteur and compliment him on a balanced, well-reasoned report.
Berenguer Fuster, hace, a mi modo de ver, un compendio muy bien razonado y plantea observaciones especialmente interesantes.
In my opinion, your report, Mr Berenguer Fuster, offers a very well-reasoned account of it and makes some particularly interesting observations.
Para ello, ya no es posible razonar a escala de nuestras compañías nacionales, a menudo muy endeudadas.
Here it is no longer possible to reason on the scale of our national companies, which are often heavily in debt.
Quiero razonar ese rechazo refiriéndome a los diferentes temas.
I would like to give my reasons for this rejection area by area.
Y por lo que concierne a la forma -no sólo al contenido- no hay razones para sentirse más feliz.
And as regards the substance - not only the content - we have no reason to congratulate ourselves.

Context examples for "razonado" in English(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
Por este motivo, recomiendo que se adopte un planteamiento inequívoco y razonado respecto a este tema.
For this reason I recommend a clear and reasoned approach to this issue.
Confiemos en el pronto suministro de datos por parte de la OLAF para emitir un juicio razonado.
We trust that OLAF will soon provide the information we need in order to issue a reasoned judgment.
Hemos razonado siempre en términos de interdependencia regional.
We have always thought in terms of regional interdependence.
La UE debe tener un perfil claro y bien razonado en esta importante región fronteriza entre Asia y Europa.
The EU must have a clear and well thought-out policy for a region as important as this on the border between Europe and Asia.
¿has razonado bien tu decisión?
have you thought carefully about your decision?
Señora Presidenta, me complace tener la oportunidad de responder al equilibrado y bien razonado informe del Sr.
Madam President, I am pleased to have the opportunity to respond to Mr Bernard-Reymond's balanced and well-reasoned report.
Se ha emitido un denominado dictamen razonado para casi mil de ellos, y más de 400 se han remitido al Tribunal de Justicia.
A so-called reasoned opinion has been issued for almost one thousand of these, and over 400 have been referred to the Court of Justice.
Además, el Consejo ni tan siquiera cuenta con información sobre la que poder cuestionar la validez de un fallo judicial razonado.
Additionally, it does not even possess information on the basis of which it could question the validity of a reasoned court ruling.
Porto, al que felicito por la elaboración de un informe equilibrado y bien razonado.
I very much agree with the remarks of Mr Porto the rapporteur and compliment him on a balanced, well-reasoned report.
Berenguer Fuster, hace, a mi modo de ver, un compendio muy bien razonado y plantea observaciones especialmente interesantes.
In my opinion, your report, Mr Berenguer Fuster, offers a very well-reasoned account of it and makes some particularly interesting observations.
El presente informe sobre la participación de los países de la Europa Central y Oriental en la cooperación en el mercado interior está muy bien razonado.
The report on the Central and Eastern European countries' participation in cooperation in the internal market is very well thought out.
El presente informe sobre la participación de los países de la Europa Central y Oriental en la cooperación en el mercado interior está muy bien razonado.
The report on the Central and Eastern European countries ' participation in cooperation in the internal market is very well thought out.
El mes pasado, la Comisión envió un dictamen razonado a Dinamarca y cinco cartas de notificación formal a Bélgica, España, Francia, Italia y Portugal.
Last month the Commission sent a reasoned opinion to Denmark and five letters of formal notice to Belgium, Spain, France, Italy and Portugal.
Espero no estar desacreditando el documento de la Comisión uniendo sus partes con un argumento razonado, ¡pero me he ceñido al límite de tiempo que me correspondía!
I do hope I am not tainting the Commission document by linking its parts with reasoned argument, but I have kept within my time limit!
Las últimas veces en que pude escucharle, Señora Palacio Vallelersundi, me quedé encantada del modo tan claro, razonado y decidido en que expuso sus opiniones.
The last few times I have listened to you, Mrs de Palacio, I was most impressed by the very clear, very logical and very decisive manner in which you conveyed that.
Es una pena que este informe tan concienzudo y razonado del Sr. Di Pietro no haya encontrado la expresión que merecía en los telegráficos cinco minutos de que ha dispuesto hoy aquí.
It is a pity that this very well constructed explanatory statement by Mr Di Pietro could not be conveyed in the telegrammatic five minutes he had here today.
Wijsenbeek, por su -como es habitual en él- serio y razonado informe y que tan buena presentación ha tenido.
I begin by congratulating the Committee on Transport and Tourism and their rapporteur Mr Wijsenbeek for the characteristically thoughtful and reasoned report which has been so well presented.
Sin embargo, limitarse a lanzarlo al Parlamento cuando no hay tiempo para exponer un punto de vista razonado y responsable es insultar más al Parlamento que si no se le consulta en absoluto.
However, merely throwing it to Parliament when there is no time available to put a reasoned and responsible viewpoint forward is a bigger insult to Parliament than not consulting it at all.