
"to put … in prison" in Spanish

"to put … in prison" in Spanish

Context examples for "to put … in prison" in Spanish(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
She stays well away from him and hopes he is put in prison for a long time.
Se mantiene alejada de él y espera que lo encarcelen durante mucho tiempo.
The members of that family will obviously have to be put in prison.
Los miembros de esa familia obviamente tendrán que ser encarcelados.
Many hundreds of people were put in prison and had sham criminal proceedings brought against them.
Cientos de personas fueron encarceladas y acusadas de cargos falsos.
On the subject of Nigeria, the elected President has been overthrown and put into prison during a military coup.
En lo que respecta a Nigeria, el presidente elegido ha sido puesto en prisión mediante un golpe militar.
Those who still remain are to be put in prison.
Los que se queden serán encarcelados.
Members of Parliament are put in prison.
Se encarcela a los diputados del Parlamento.
he deserves to be put in prison
merece que lo metan en la cárcel
she was put in prison
la metieron en la cárcel
He seems to have recovered enough to be put in prison, and he is to be taken into custody in the next few days.
Todos o muchos de nosotros conocen muy bien a este ferviente defensor de los derechos humanos. Parece que se ha recuperado suficientemente para que le puedan encarcelar.
If someone is murdered and an innocent person is put in prison for it, that provides no comfort or justice for the murder that has been committed.
Si alguien es asesinado y una persona inocente va a la cárcel por ello, eso no ofrece ningún consuelo ni justicia para el asesinato que se ha cometido.
We cannot accept thousands of people being put in prison for having different political views or for being of a different religion or from a different ethnic group.
No podemos aceptar que miles de personas sean encarceladas por sus opiniones políticas, por su religión o por pertenecer a un grupo étnico.
He also commented on how important it was to abolish 152 laws and articles which limit freedom of expression and cause so many people to be put in prison.
Además, mencionó la importancia de que se eliminasen 152 leyes y artículos que atentan contra la libertad de expresión y llevan a tanta gente a la cárcel.
If that were to be the case, they could follow the appeal procedure via video conferencing, provided, of course, that they had not, in the meantime, been put into prison in their country of origin.
Si fuera así, podrían seguir el procedimiento de recurso por videoconferencia, siempre que, entre tanto, no hayan sido encarcelados en su país de origen.