
"presume" in English

"presume" in English
presumir{transitive verb}
presumir{intransitive verb}
"presume" in Spanish
Por eso creo que este informe no es algo de lo que el Parlamento Europeo pueda presumir en el futuro.
I think, therefore, that this report is not something which the European Parliament should specially boast about in the future.
Me quedé muy desilusionado con los suecos que, por lo demás, presumen de transparencia.
I was very disappointed in the Swedes, who normally boast about their openness.
La lentitud de los pagos ha dejado de ser admisible en una época en la que podemos presumir de tecnología del nanosegundo.
The slowness of payments is no longer tolerable in an age when we can boast of nanosecond technology.
Por desgracia, la Unión Europea difícilmente puede presumir de ser transparente.
Unfortunately, the European Union can hardly brag about its transparency.
De esto presumimos con todo orgullo.
We gladly brag about that with undisguised pride.
Can I presume that he will reply in writing to the question regarding the 'IJzeren Rijn '?
¿Cabe suponer que contestará la pregunta sobre el Ferrocarril del Rin por escrito?
The events of Dagestan gave cause to presume that the disease is spreading.
Por su parte, los acontecimientos de Daguestán fueron una señal para suponer que la epidemia se está extendiendo.
We have to presume that things may not be very different in the case of the nuclear power stations.
Hemos de suponer que las cosas podrían no ser muy distintas en el caso de las centrales nucleares.

Context examples for "presume" in English(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
El Grupo Socialista en el Parlamento Europeo presume de haberlo matado antes de nacer.
The Socialist Group in the European Parliament boast that they have nipped it in the bud.
Presume de haber alcanzado un compromiso sobre la Directiva de servicios.
It boasts that it has achieved a compromise on the Services Directive.
La UE presume de tener un enfoque de la solidaridad internacional que combina el comercio y la ayuda.
The EU boasts about having a trade and aid approach to international solidarity.
Todo acusado se presume inocente mientras su culpabilidad no haya sido declarada legalmente.
Everyone who has been charged shall be presumed innocent until proved guilty according to law.
Todo acusado se presume inocente mientras su culpabilidad no haya sido declarada legalmente.2.
Everyone who has been charged shall be presumed innocent until proved guilty according to law.2.
presume de intelectual y es un ignorante
he likes to think he's an intellectual, but in fact he doesn't know anything
presume de intelectual y es un ignorante
he fancies himself as an intellectual, but in fact he doesn't know anything
Es necesario que este estudio nos informe del lado turbio del que presume de ser un comercio respetable.
We need this to be a study which tells us of the shady side of what proclaims itself to be a respectable trade.
Se presume que el semen humano es una fuente biológica que contiene la mayor concentración de prostaglandinas.
Human semen is the biological source that is presumed to contain the highest prostaglandin concentration.
Toda persona acusada de una infracción se presume inocente hasta que su culpabilidad haya sido legalmente declarada.
Everyone charged with a criminal offence shall be presumed innocent until proved guilty according to law.
El maravilloso nuevo Gobierno de Tony Blair, que presume de política exterior ética, ha seguido enviando armamentos a Indonesia.
Tony Blair's wonderful new government, with its ethical foreign policy, has continued sending its arms to Indonesia.
El maravilloso nuevo Gobierno de Tony Blair, que presume de política exterior ética, ha seguido enviando armamentos a Indonesia.
Tony Blair' s wonderful new government, with its ethical foreign policy, has continued sending its arms to Indonesia.
se presume una reacción violenta
there is likely to be a violent reaction
se presume una reacción violenta
a violent reaction is expected
presume de sus éxitos
he's always boasting about his conquests
presume de guapo
he thinks he's good-looking
El sector agrario -y esto no sólo se aplica a Austria- presume de observar los principios de seguridad alimentaria, trazabilidad e higiene.
The agricultural sector - and this does not just apply to Austria - professes to observe the principles of food safety, traceability and hygiene.
Además de señalar las palabras "se presume", me gustaría señalar que los proveedores de servicios en Internet están preocupados porque tendrán que comenzar a aplicar la ley.
Besides pointing to the word 'allegedly', I would like to stress that Internet service providers are concerned that they will have to start enforcing the law.
Se recrimina a Jospin por llamar por su nombre a Hizbulah, mientras se pontifica sobre otra clase de organizaciones y se presume de colaboración antiterrorista con España.
He condemns Jospin for calling Hezbollah by its name while he pontificates about other types of organisations and prides himself on his anti-terrorist cooperation with Spain.
En Irlanda tenemos un sistema judicial en el que se presume la inocencia de una persona hasta que se demuestre su culpabilidad, mientras que en muchos otros Estados miembros sucede lo contrario.
In Ireland, we operate a judicial system whereby one is presumed innocent until proven guilty, whereas the opposite system operates in many other EU Member States.