
"obligado a" in English

"obligado a" in English
obligado a{adjective masculine}
obligado a{adjective masculine}
bound{adj.} [law] (to)
El Consejo está sin embargo obligado a respetar el Tratado.
The Council is bound, nonetheless, to comply with the terms of the Treaty.
Así las cosas, el Consejo no está obligado a hacer nada al respecto.
That being so, the Council is not bound to do anything about this.
Sin embargo, también está obligado a respetar la confidencialidad de la información que reciba.
However, he is also duty bound to respect the confidentiality of the information that he receives.

Similar translations for "obligado a" in English
Context examples for "obligado a" in English(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
Pero yo, reglamentariamente, me veo obligado a continuar con el turno de preguntas.
However, in accordance with the Rules, I must now continue with the next question.
Es lo contrario de un sistema en el que todo el mundo está obligado a pensar lo mismo.
It is the opposite of a system where everyone is forced to think the same thing.
De este modo, ningún Estado miembro se verá obligado a aceptar y utilizar la BICCIS.
So, no single Member State would be forced to accept the CCCTB and to use it.
Sin embargo, en política nadie está obligado a hacer lo que es imposible o absurdo.
In politics, however, nobody is forced to do what is impossible or absurd.
¿No será que Milosevic ha obligado a negociar a la comunidad internacional?
Is it not rather that Milosevic has forced the international community to negotiate?
Señor McMahon, un Estado miembro no está obligado a presentar una lista.
Mr McMahon, a Member State does not have to present a list and may choose not to.
El solicitante se ve obligado a trabajar con 27 ordenamientos jurídicos nacionales.
The applicant is obliged to work with 27 separate national legal systems.
Se ha visto obligado a negociar con el Consejo y con la Comisión bajo una presión enorme.
He has had to negotiate with the Council and the Commission under heavy pressure.
se siente de modo notable sobre todo cuando se está obligado a constatar el
the more pressing at a time when we are faced with the patent inadequacy of
En efecto, el retorno obligado daría pie a todas las desviaciones posibles.
After all, a forced return would give rise to every conceivable kind of irregularity.
¿La Comisión ha obligado a Inglaterra a que aplique, por ejemplo, la vacunación?
Has the Commission urged Britain for example to use ring vaccination?
Les has obligado a desnudarse y luego les has vendado los ojos y les has atado las manos.
You forced them to strip naked and then you blindfolded them and tied their hands.
En este contexto me veo obligado a referirme a las enmiendas nº 9 y nº 13 del ponente.
Two of the rapporteur's amendments - No 9 and No 13 - relate to this point.
Por estas razones, me he visto obligado a votar en contra de la propuesta de resolución.
For these reasons, I was forced to vote against the motion for a resolution.
Nunca hemos obligado a nadie a adoptar un estatuto u otro, un accionariado u otro.
We have never forced anyone to adopt a particular status, or a particular shareholder base.
Uno se ve obligado a utilizar el software de una sola compañía, a saber, Windows.
Then you have to use the software of a single company, i.e. Windows.
El Consejo también se siente obligado a cumplir con estas normas y estándares más estrictos.
The Council also feels obliged to comply with these stricter rules and standards.
(DE) Señor Presidente, me siento obligado a decir que esta agenda social me deja fría.
(DE) Mr President, I feel compelled to say that this social agenda leaves me stone-cold.
Es una verdadera vergüenza, que a menudo ha obligado a cerrar a muchas PYME.
It is a real disgrace, which has very often forced many SMEs to close.
Lo que significa que el Consejo no está obligado a adoptar el contenido de las votaciones.
This means that the content of the votes need not be adopted by the Council.