
"mockingly" in Spanish

mock trial
juicio simulado
burlarse {r. v.}
The freedom to mock and criticise certain excesses, be they political or religious, are necessary in all democracies.
La libertad para poder burlarse y criticar ciertos excesos, sean políticos o religiosos, es necesaria en todas las democracias.
Mr President, privately you can believe what you like, like any of us, but you must not mock us!
Señor Presidente, en privado usted -al igual que cualquiera de nosotros- podrá creer lo que quiera, pero no puede burlarse de nosotros.
to mock at sth
burlarse de algo
to mock[mocked · mocked] {transitive verb}
Mr President, privately you can believe what you like, like any of us, but you must not mock us!
Señor Presidente, en privado usted -al igual que cualquiera de nosotros- podrá creer lo que quiera, pero no puede burlarse de nosotros.
to mock at sth
burlarse de algo
Flanders and Belgium, on the other hand, opted for mock transparency by lumping all the figures together, which made proper analysis impossible.
Flandes y Bélgica, en cambio, han preferido burlarse de la transparencia acumulando todas las cifras, lo que hace imposible un análisis objetivo.
But there never came a messenger to them but they did mock him.
y jamás vino a ellos un enviado del que no se burlaran.
Freedom does not insult, it does not despise anyone, it does not mock, it does not demean and it does not make fun of what is holy.
La libertad no insulta, no desprecia a nadie, no se mofa, no degrada y no se burla de lo sagrado.
Allah shall mock at them and let them go on in their rebellion, blindly wandering on.
Dios les devolverá sus burlas, y les dejará en su desmesurada arrogancia por un tiempo, vagando ciegos de un lado para otro:

Synonyms (English) for "mockingly":
Context examples for "mockingly" in Spanish(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
The biggest trading power on earth, as our Union affects to call itself, seems to confirm the views of those who mockingly describe it as a voiceless diplomat, a blind general and a lame soldier.
La mayor potencia comercial del mundo, como se autodenomina la Unión, parece dar la razón a quienes la califican irónicamente de diplomático sordo, militar ciego y soldado cojo.