
"pseudo-" in English

"pseudo-" in English
"pseudo-" in Spanish
pseudo- espiritualistas, como por ejemplo la New Age, porque en
regard to pseudo-spiritualistic movements, such as the New Age movement.
La desregulación se ha convertido en un precepto pseudo-religioso.
Deregulation has become a kind of pseudo-religious commandment.
Por ello, advierto frente a un pseudo equilibrio.
That is why I warn against a pseudo balanced approach.
They live under a military regime in the guise of a pseudo-democracy.
Predomina un régimen militar bajo la capa de una falsa democracia.
At the same time, the prudence of the time limit is not going to encourage companies to dismantle themselves and resort to pseudo self-employment.
Al mismo tiempo, la prudencia del plazo no va a animar a que se desestructuren las empresas y acudan a las figuras de los falsos autónomos.
Instead of a pseudo-debate on democracy in Turkey, we need a real and open discussion on the place that religion can and should play in the social debate.
En lugar de un falso debate sobre la democracia en Turquía, necesitamos una discusión abierta sobre el lugar que la religión puede y debería ocupar en el debate social.
regard to pseudo-spiritualistic movements, such as the New Age movement.
pseudo- espiritualistas, como por ejemplo la New Age, porque en
Deregulation has become a kind of pseudo-religious commandment.
La desregulación se ha convertido en un precepto pseudo-religioso.
That is why I warn against a pseudo balanced approach.
Por ello, advierto frente a un pseudo equilibrio.
What we see here is the almost pseudo-religious worshipping of an internal market without regard to the human principles of life and health.
Lo que aquí está ocurriendo es casi una adoración seudo religiosa de un mercado interior sin prestar atención a los fundamentos necesarios para la vida y salud de las personas.

Context examples for "pseudo-" in English(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
Este es un argumento pseudo intelectual, pues esto es aplicable a todas las políticas de la Unión Europea.
That is an argument that belies a very modest intellectual approach, because it applies to all European Union policies.
Por ello, no deben realizarse pseudo controles de compatibilidad medioambiental como en Temelin.
A repeat of Chernobyl must be prevented, which is why bogus environmental impact tests, such as those in Temelin, should not be carried out.
Encomendar a la CE el papel de pseudo gobierno de la UE es contrario al reparto de las competencias consagrado en los Tratados.
It would be a violation of the allocation of responsibilities laid down in the Treaties to allow the European Commission to act as a pseudogovernment for the EU.
Para la Unión, una intervención seria en esta región significa entrar en la esfera de influencia de Rusia, y esto, sin duda, implica el uso continuo de pseudo-medidas en la región.
For the Union, serious involvement in this region is linked to entry into the sphere of influence of Russia, and this, surely, means the continuing use of half-measures in the region.