
"inquebrantable" in English

inquebrantable{adjective masculine/feminine}
No creo que ella sea arrogante; al contrario, veo nobleza en ella cuando defiende el inquebrantable compromiso por la abolición de la pena de muerte.
I do not think she is arrogant; I think she is noble when she upholds the EU’s unswerving commitment to ending the death penalty.
Pero existe también una perspectiva más amplia: nuestras acciones tienen que situarse en el contexto de un apoyo inquebrantable a la democracia, los derechos humanos y el Estado de derecho.
But there is a wider view too: our actions must be seen in the context of our unswerving support for democracy, human rights and the rule of law.
Así pues lo mínimo que podemos hacer es hablar por ellos aquí y prometerles nuestro apoyo inquebrantable respecto a su misión de impulsar un cambio democrático permanente en Birmania.
So the least we can do is speak up for them from here and promise them our unswerving support in their mission to bring about permanent democratic change in Burma.
Esos valores tienen que incluir un compromiso inquebrantable por parte de Rusia con el pluralismo y el proceso democrático.
Those values must include an unshakeable commitment by Russia to pluralism and democratic process.
Señor Presidente, mi convicción europea inquebrantable me ha obligado a pronunciarme en favor de la censura de la Comisión.
Mr President, it was my unshakeable European conviction that made me vote for censure of the Commission.
Esta voluntad inquebrantable de Ucrania de unirse a las filas de la democracia trastoca nuestras políticas, señor Comisario.
Ukraine’s unshakeable desire to join the ranks of democracy will cause a shake-up in our policies, Commissioner.
adamantine{adj.} [poet.] [idiom] (will, resolve)
immovable{adj.} (faith, conviction)
invincible{adj.} (resolute)
steadfast{adj.} [poet.] (resolve)
sturdy{adj.} (determined)
unfailing{adj.} (devotion)
Una vez más me gustaría reconocer su visión, su determinación y su compromiso inquebrantable con Europa.
I would like, once again, to applaud their vision, their determination and their unfailing commitment to Europe.
unfaltering{adj.} (confidence, optimism)
unflinching{adj.} (resolve)
La lucha contra este fenómeno debe ser firme, amplia e inquebrantable.
Combating this phenomenon must be firm, far-reaching and unflinching.
Me pregunto cómo será posible evitar una crisis entre la Unión Europea y Ankara, que sin duda está decidida a continuar su política inquebrantable.
I wonder how it will be possible to avoid a crisis between the European Union and Ankara, which is obviously determined to continue its unflinching policy.
Por lo tanto, en nombre del Parlamento Europeo, quiero reiterar nuestro inquebrantable compromiso a favor de la campaña contra la pena de muerte.
On behalf of the European Parliament, I would therefore like to emphasise our unflinching commitment here to the campaign against the death penalty.
unshakable{adj.} (belief, conviction, confidence)
La esperanza que la sostiene es, sin embargo, inquebrantable, como indestructible es la alegría que nace de esta esperanza.
But the hope which sustains her is unshakable, just as the joy which flows from this hope is indestructible.
munidos de una fe inquebrantable
armed with an unshakable faith
Por nuestra parte continuaremos, con determinación inquebrantable, nuestra lucha contra el neoliberalismo, el federalismo y el militarismo dentro de la Unión Europea.
For our part, we will continue, with unshakable determination, to fight neoliberalism, federalism and militarism within the European Union.
unwavering{adj.} (loyalty, belief)
Como europeos tenemos que reiterar nuestro inquebrantable compromiso con el concepto de reciprocidad.
As Europeans, we need to reiterate our unwavering commitment to the concept of reciprocity.
Esto ha resultado posible solamente gracias a la cooperación amistosa e inquebrantable entre los ponentes.
This was possible only because of the amicable, unwavering cooperation between the rapporteurs.
Como siempre, nuestro compromiso compartido de lograr la sostenibilidad en la pesca permanece inquebrantable.
As always, our shared commitment to achieving sustainability in fisheries remains unwavering.
¿Con respecto a qué norma inquebrantable, a qué criterios de eficacia lo serían?
Excessive in comparison with what iron rule, what criteria of efficiency?
tiene una salud inquebrantable
she has an iron constitution

Synonyms (Spanish) for "inquebrantable":
Context examples for "inquebrantable" in English(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
Nos hablaron de su valentía y de su inquebrantable y digna voluntad de paz.
They spoke of their courage and of their undying and dignified longing for peace.
Estas son, en mi opinión, las dos medidas que Europa debe defender con insistencia inquebrantable.
These are, in my view, the two measures for which Europe must steadfastly press.
Por el contrario, el secreto de su misión está en su esperanza inquebrantable.
The secret of his ministry lies in the fact that his hope is on a firm basis which cannot be moved.
Con un telón de fondo como este, lo que se necesita es un compromiso inquebrantable a favor del diálogo.
Against a backdrop such as this, what is needed is relentless commitment to dialogue.
Personalmente tengo una fe inquebrantable en el optimismo que surge de la modernidad y la apertura de mente.
Personally, I have an unshaken belief in the optimism that comes from modernity and openness.
su misión está en su esperanza inquebrantable.
The secret of his ministry lies in the fact that his hope is on a firm basis which cannot be moved.
A pesar de todo, continúo ateniéndome al buen concepto bíblico del matrimonio como vínculo inquebrantable entre hombre y mujer.
Still I cling to the good Biblical institution of marriage as a lasting union between man and woman.
La voluntad de hacer que el marco legislativo sea más eficaz debe concebirse como un deber y un compromiso inquebrantable.
The will to streamline the legislative framework must be perceived as a duty and an unbreakable commitment.
Ratificamos nuestra oposición categórica e inquebrantable al comercio con los gases de invernadero como una medida ineficaz e hipócrita.
We believe that Member States must each be allowed to decide their national positions themselves.
Es una exigencia inquebrantable que la Carta de derechos fundamentales, que realmente se necesita, sea un estatuto con normas obligatorias.
A binding Charter is an indispensable requirement and a necessary part of a much-needed constitution.
Como siempre, nuestro compromiso compartido de lograr la sostenibilidad en la pesca permanece inquebrantable.
This is what we define as sustainability and we see long-term management plans as the right legislative instrument for achieving this.
su inquebrantable devoción al deber
his single-minded devotion to duty
Pienso, por tanto, que la Comisión tiene que actuar con energía y comportarse con inquebrantable lealtad a la hora de llevar a la práctica el Tratado.
I think, then, that the Commission must act vigorously and be unswervingly loyal in implementing the Treaty.
munidos de una fe inquebrantable
armed with an unshakable faith
tiene una salud inquebrantable
she has an iron constitution
su lealtad era inquebrantable
they were unwaveringly loyal
Esta voluntad inquebrantable de Ucrania de unirse a las filas de la democracia trastoca nuestras políticas, señor Comisario.
Thanks to the new law that has been put in place, the way in which it had been possible to prepare for the second round of the presidential elections was remarkable.
Ya hemos oído proclamar que, sea cual fuere el costo de la ampliación, el límite máximo del 1, 27 % del PNB es inquebrantable y deberá seguir siéndolo.
Already, they can be heard stating that whatever the cost of enlargement, the ceiling of 1.27 % of GNP cannot be transgressed and must remain as it is.
Nuestro compromiso con los derechos humanos es inquebrantable y las propuestas presentadas de crear un consejo de derechos humanos contarán con nuestro pleno apoyo.
With international institutional recognition, no one will again be able to evade his responsibility to the planet and to future generations.
Ahora todos estamos de acuerdo en que eso significa crear un vínculo absolutamente inquebrantable entre la dimensión exterior y las políticas interiores de inmigración.
We all now agree that this means creating an absolutely inextricable link between the external dimension and internal immigration policies.