
"in spite of" in Spanish

"in spite of" in Spanish
in spite of{adverb}
media, the Church must continue, in spite of the many difficulties involved, to
a pesar de las numerosas dificultades encontradas, debe seguir desarrollando,
However, in spite of this, we are in the process of negotiating with that country.
Sin embargo, a pesar de ello, mantenemos un proceso de negociaciones con este país.
In spite of everything, none of this is news to the Commission or the Council.
A pesar de todo, esto no es una novedad para la Comisión ni para el Consejo.
in spite of{preposition}
media, the Church must continue, in spite of the many difficulties involved, to
a pesar de las numerosas dificultades encontradas, debe seguir desarrollando,
However, in spite of this, we are in the process of negotiating with that country.
Sin embargo, a pesar de ello, mantenemos un proceso de negociaciones con este país.
In spite of everything, none of this is news to the Commission or the Council.
A pesar de todo, esto no es una novedad para la Comisión ni para el Consejo.

Similar translations for "in spite of" in Spanish
Context examples for "in spite of" in Spanish(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
media, the Church must continue, in spite of the many difficulties involved, to
a pesar de las numerosas dificultades encontradas, debe seguir desarrollando,
However, in spite of this, we are in the process of negotiating with that country.
Sin embargo, a pesar de ello, mantenemos un proceso de negociaciones con este país.
In spite of that, I must say that I was honoured to work with the rapporteur.
A pesar de ello, tengo que decir que ha sido un honor trabajar con la ponente.
In spite of this minor reserve, I shall vote in favour of Mr Pérez Royo's report.
A pesar de esa pequeña reserva, voy a votar en favor del informe del Sr. Pérez Royo.
In spite of it, some Members expressed their disagreement with this solution.
Pese a ello, algunos diputados han expresado su desacuerdo con esta solución.
In spite of a series of reforms, grassroots democracy has not seriously taken root.
A pesar de una serie de reformas, la democracia de base no ha logrado echar raíces.
In spite of everything, none of this is news to the Commission or the Council.
A pesar de todo, esto no es una novedad para la Comisión ni para el Consejo.
In spite of this, the world is considering this aspect very seriously as well.
A pesar de ello, el mundo también se está tomando este asunto muy en serio.
In spite of this, whether or not we want to, we must deal with Russia as a partner.
A pesar de ello, lo queramos o no, tenemos que tratar a Rusia como un socio.
This cooperation produced an excellent result, in spite of some misgivings.
Esta cooperación ha dado un espléndido resultado, a pesar de las dudas suscitadas.
In spite of optimistic declarations, the future of NATO is in question today.
A pesar de las declaraciones optimistas, hoy está en entredicho el futuro de la OTAN.
I supported the general resolution in spite of this but I have one objection.
A pesar de ello, he votado a favor de la resolución general, pero tengo una objeción.
therefore be convinced, with the assistance of faith and even in spite of their
por tanto estar convencidos, con la ayuda de la fe e incluso contra la ya
Rural depopulation is rife, in spite of all the rural development measures.
A pesar de todas las medidas de desarrollo rural, el éxodo rural es cada vez mayor.
In spite of all the shortcomings, Parliament has shown a constructive attitude.
A pesar de todas las deficiencias, el Parlamento ha demostrado una actitud constructiva.
Moreover, in spite of these differences, all these people are at home in Fiji.
Y a pesar de estas diferencias, en las Fidji todos se sienten en su casa.
This was in spite of mounting evidence of thyroid cancers in children at the time.
Esto a pesar de la evidencia cada vez mayor de cáncer de tiroides infantil en la época.
I have decided to vote for Mr Martens ' report, in spite of reservations.
He elegido votar a favor del informe del Sr. Martens - a pesar de mis reparos.
We should strive to resolve this problem, in spite of cultural differences.
Debemos esforzarnos por resolver este problema a pesar de las diferencias culturales.
What makes me optimistic is that in spite of everything we have a kind of consensus.
Lo que me hace ser optimista es que, a pesar de todo, hemos llegado a cierto consenso.