
"impotency" in Spanish

"impotency" in Spanish
Fluticasone propionate (FP) is newer agent with greater potency in in-vitro assays.
El propionato de fluticasona (PF) es el fármaco más reciente que presenta mayor potencia en las valoraciones in vitro.
Consumers should be free to choose their own level of potency and nutrients, provided that they are safe and appropriately labelled.
Los consumidores deberían tener la libertad de elegir su propio nivel de potencia y nutrientes, a condición de que éstos sean seguros y estén debidamente etiquetados.
The potency of HFA-BDP is thought to have been improved with new propellant and some studies suggest that extra-fine HFA-BDPmay be equipotent at half the dose of CFC propelled-BDP.
Se piensa que ha mejorado la potencia del DPB-HFA con el nuevo propulsor y algunos estudios indican que puede ser equivalente a la mitad de la dosis de DPB impulsado con CFC.
But it is primarily as a result of the potency of its content that I believe the Charter will become a milestone.
Pero sobre todo será por la fuerza de su contenido como la Carta dejará huella.
The enlargement of the European Union to 25 Member States is a tribute to the potency of a dream.
La ampliación de la Unión Europea a 25 miembros constituye un homenaje a la fuerza de un sueño.

Context examples for "impotency" in Spanish(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
Its attitude has been a hypocritical "I would like to, but I cannot" , and this hypocritical impotency sends a very damaging signal to the world as a whole.
Está instalada en un hipócrita "quisiera, pero no puedo" , y esta hipócrita impotencia es un referente muy dañino para el mundo entero.
Its attitude has been a hypocritical " I would like to, but I cannot ", and this hypocritical impotency sends a very damaging signal to the world as a whole.
Está instalada en un hipócrita " quisiera, pero no puedo ", y esta hipócrita impotencia es un referente muy dañino para el mundo entero.