
"huiro" in English

"huiro" in English
huir{intransitive verb}
Han depuesto al Presidente Kabbah, elegido democráticamente, y le han obligado a huir.
They deposed the democratically elected President Kabbah and forced him to flee the country.
Los refugiados tuvieron que huir de las zonas de guerra, y no pueden regresar a sus hogares.
The refugees have had to flee the war zones and are unable to return to their homes.
Al huir la gente de Zimbabwe, llega a los países vecinos.
As people flee Zimbabwe, they are arriving in the neighbouring countries.
huir(also: escapar)
to fly[flew · flown] {v.i.} [arch.] (flee)
Que la propia población civil ni tan siquiera pueda huir, atenta contra todas las normas internacionales.
The fact that the civilian population cannot even take refuge flies in the face of all international rules.
en un Día en que el hombre huya de su hermano,
The Day on which a man shall fly from his brother,
huir[huyendo · huido] {intransitive verb}
No podemos huir de ella, por lo que debemos actuar.
We cannot run away from it, and we must therefore act.
Pero no debemos tener miedo ni huir de los argumentos de quienes están en contra, y menos aún ignorarlos.
But we should not be afraid or run away from the arguments of whoever is against, let alone ignore them.
No huyen, porque viven aterrorizadas.
They do not run away as they are living in a state of fear.
Lamentablemente, logró huir de la cárcel y llegar a Portugal.
Unfortunately he was able to escape from prison and make his way back to Portugal.
Al querer huir del pasado, bloquean su propio futuro.
They may want to escape their past, but they are compromising their own future in the process.
Comienzo a preguntarme cómo uno puede huir hacia Europa.
I would really like to know how you can escape into Europe.