
"to hang around" in Spanish

"to hang around" in Spanish

Context examples for "to hang around" in Spanish(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
I do not want to hang around waiting for miracle solutions some other day.
No quiero esperar a que aparezca una solución milagrosa algún día.
Paper can hang around a long time, even, and indeed especially in Europe - we all know that.
Los papeles pueden estar dando vueltas durante un largo tiempo, especialmente en Europa, como todos sabemos.
mostly they just hang around on street corners
pasan la mayor parte del tiempo en la calle, holgazaneando
Things go at enormous speed and do not hang around waiting for the slow decision-process to take effect in Europe.
Este desarrollo tiene lugar a gran velocidad, y no se para a esperar la toma de decisiones a nivel europeo.
write back as soon as possible, don't hang around
contéstales lo antes posible, no te duermas
once he's decided, he won't hang around
una vez que se decida, no va a andar con vueltas
I don't like the people you hang around with
no me gusta la gente con la que andas
I think it is a pity that he is departing so soon for his Christmas holidays and would be happy if he were to hang around for a bit longer.
Creo que es una pena que inicie tan pronto sus vacaciones navideñas y nos complacería que se quedase un poco más.
We are forced to hang around for half an hour after the votes to say that we are submitting our explanation of vote in writing.
Hay que pasarse media hora aquí esperando después de las votaciones para decir que se hace la explicación de voto por escrito.
the rabble who hang around the bar
la gentuza que ronda el bar
The sight of the degenerate youths who hang around there is enough to compel anyone to carry on the fight to free our society from drugs.
El espectáculo de decadencia de los jóvenes que por allí vagabundean nos exige forzosamente que entablemos la lucha para liberar a nuestra sociedad de las drogas.
But that must not mislead us into saying everything has been done, the matter has been dealt with, we can just hang around and everything will turn out well.
Esto no debe inducirnos, no obstante, a declarar que todo ha salido bien, el asunto está resuelto y aunque demos algún bandazo, todo acabará saliendo bien.
Could it be deliberate policy that TVs are not there to ensure that members stay in the chamber rather than hang around in the bars watching the debates
¿Es posible que la ausencia de televisores sea una medida deliberada para asegurar que los diputados permanezcan en el Hemiciclo en lugar de quedarse en los bares siguiendo el debate?