
"discierne" in English

de los dones las gracias necesarias para discernir los signos de salvación
Giver of gifts the graces necessary to discern the signs of salvation
discernir el designio de Dios sobre su vida para la edificación de la
he might be able to discern God's plan for his life for the edification of the
Mientras os pido lucidez para discernir lo que viene del Señor y lo que le es contrario (cf.
While I ask clarity to discern what comes from the Lord and what does not (cf.
discernir el bien del mal
to distinguish good from evil
discernir algo de algo
to distinguish sth from sth
Otra observación es que es importante discernir entre las medidas eficaces a nivel de la UE, y las que pertenecen a otro nivel.
Another observation is that it is important to distinguish between what measures are effective at an EU level and which belong at another level.

Synonyms (Spanish) for "discernir":